Anger is the next most common emotion after LOVE. Every one of you has expressed and felt anger. Most of you have used anger to manipulate another into backing down from you; it has been your WARNING SIGN to others that they should not cross a boundary you have set.
WE say MANIPULATION as it is just that. It is a mechanism that you feel works, illustrating to another how you feel on any given issue that questions your boundaries and BELIEFS.
Anger is a REACTION which forms GREAT NEGATIVE EMOTION within you and instead of seeing the emotion as a warning, you USE THE EMOTION to feed fuel to the anger attracting the unwanted situation or problem right to you.
Have you not noticed that when you feel anger and have great negative emotion how quickly the situation manifests in front of you?
The reason for this is because the POWERFUL EMOTION produces a very strong VIBRATION and the universe reads this and brings it to you very, very quickly. The stronger the vibration, the MORE RAPIDLY a condition or circumstance comes to you, desired or not.
Now you say to US, “I have good reason to be angry. Look at what that person is doing to me!”
And WE would say this to you. WE understand that what another is doing to you may very well not be to your liking, and that feeling of anger that rose up in you is a GOOD THING. It is a CLEAR COMMUNICATION from US that you do not want to go down that path.
WE would suggest rather that you look for a SOLUTION that does not require a REACTION or MANIPULATION—a solution that would bring you to a better understanding of ALLOWING ANOTHER to have their opinion and not let it affect you with negative emotion.
WE would remind you that REACTION most often leads to RE-ACTION.
WE would remind you that all you need to do is take time to CONSIDER a solution that is more suited to WHO YOU WANT TO BE rather than WHO YOU ARE WHO YOU ARE NOT.
Now even after WE have said this to you, you may say to US, “Sometimes there is good reason to get angry with another BECAUSE of WHAT THEY HAVE DONE!”
And WE would reply by saying this to you. There is NO reason to ever DISPLAY anger through ACTION. There is, however, GOOD REASON to FEEL anger because it is a WARNING from US that the THOUGHTS you are having and thinking are NOT going to bring you to a SOLUTION. Those thoughts of REACTION will only bring you more pain and will lead you away from where you want to be and WHO YOU ARE.
You do not want to add more PAIN to yourself.
You do not want to attract more NEGATIVE EMOTION to yourself.
You do not want to create a cycle of REACTIONS to yourself.
You do not want to reflect an image of WHO YOU ARE NOT.
You do not want to bring HARM to yourself or another.
You do not want to ATTRACT more circumstances about which to feel angry.
For so long you have been accustomed to using anger and reactions to demonstrate how you feel. You have been educated in this manner through the contrast of others throughout your time here.
It is time that you considered the TRUTH and the truth is that you need not RE-IN-ACT this contrast that you have come to believe is right.
WE hope that these words here INSPIRE you to new thought and a way to shift your BELIEF so that anger and reaction are no longer solutions to a problem.
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The Hive Publications, ONE Legacy Works, Inc
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