Tuesday, July 9, 2013


 As I went to bed last night,...
I started turning leaves of my
memory of the past,how
everything started between us.

Suddenly all the desperation and
restlessness was replaced by the feeling
of content and happiness. 

The seed of this were sown by
the emotional bond which was
evolved between the two this duration.

Gradually got serious the seeds
of love replacing the bitterness
within me and towards the world.

Now the memories are giving
me pleasant surprise,

For I know tomorrow
someone more deserving than I
will snatch you from me
or you think of turning back on me...

but the memories no one can
take away from me.
boyfriend, country love, couple, couples, cute.

I can live through the life with
those memories,will be cherishef
in my heart forever.

So my lifetime friend,..
it is with all my heart hoping that
you'll always carry my smile with you,
for all we have meant to each other
and for whatever the future holds,
always remember that,..
no matter how far you are,

No matter how long I'm gone,
you will always be with me.
It's those memories that give

us strength to go on.

I Love you

A Relation Of Love We Share…

In this relationship,
I gave you what I got from you…
A bond of love and care,
A relationship that we can share…
We are so different but one soul,
Holding strong to each other and can’t let go…
Your love gave me a vision,
To see beyond the stars that I see…
To live a life beyond love,
A life beyond the mighty heights of the sky…
You remind me of the morning-glory,
The purity of a moon and its silver cool shine…
Of all the beautiful things you do and say,
Is your smile that makes my day…
The time may change from summer autumn to winter,
But I will love you the same forever and ever,,,

© 2013 Pimmi Nag