Friday, May 24, 2013

Unko karib lane k chaah main,
Sabse dur hote gaye,
Wo karib na aaye,
Sab dur chale gaye.
Paas jaane k chaah main, unke
Sabse dur ho gaye,
Sabse anzaan bante gaye,
Wo hume anzaan kahe gaye.
Har khusi unki dekhne k liye,
Har waqt dur rahe unke nazroon se hum.
Jaan na paa-e wo hume,
Bhul gayi hume, do pal kya jo dur ho gaye hum.
Kitni kosisho k baad manaya,
Milne ko khudse,
Uss Milan main bhi bechadna tha,
Unko mujse.
Hum tho bas unhe kuch kehana chahate,
Per wo humse kuch sunna na chahate,
Khwaab main tho der raat baate kar leta,
Saamne unke main kuch bool na pata.
Kaise karu main bayaan labo se,
Karta tha main pyaar dil se,
Kash samaj jaati pyaar ko mere,
Na hona padta mujhe dur apno se.


Beautiful Woman

Beautiful woman,
come out and play,
reveal your inner treasures.

The sparkle in your eyes,
the natural swing in your walk,
you radiate excitement and enthusiasm.

You need no latest fashion,
No expensive hair cuts,
No blinding big accessories.

You glow in your passions,
passionate in your pursuits,
you know what you are made of.

You are not easily bothered,
by the mindless opinions of others,
you know very well where you want to go.

you are a joy to watch,
an inspiration to others,
your pure soul an endless marvel.

Beautiful woman,
let your brilliance shine through,
your eyes speak of true inner beauty.”
- Fion Lim

I need a miracle now...

Since you've gone, well it seems like everything is wrong,
Deep inside I know that I've lost much more than pride.
Happiness has been further away now,
I miss you more than words can say.

I need a miracle now...
So tell me how can I change the world,
Cause I sure can't change your mind.
Where's the miracle I need now.
Gotta get to you somehow,

No I can't change the world.
Losing you,well has been the hardest thing to do,
So I close my eyes and tell myself that somehow I'll survive.
You gave me heaven then u took it away boy,
I miss u more with each passing day.
I need a miracle now...

By: M, Fezile Sbahle.

Afraid of Dust

If I told you I am afraid of dust
that catches in places
where I am tired
Would you still find me
so amazing and
If I said what I think
to those
who have ears to hear
When I looked into your eyes
Would I still be
the one?

If the song I sing tonight is not
a soothing lullaby in an upside moon
Will you still love me
and the melody I create?
Because no matter how my song plays;
we can still move on
To all those bright clouds
We anticipate

If I struggled to find words
that washed
over your skin like silk
That lingered dreamily in the light
of your morning
Would you still hear the same sweet voice
when I am tired
and afraid of dust that catches
in places
On the words
I am

© 2011 Neva Flores - Changefulstorm

Count the Stars in Silence

Cover the touch wandering in and out
of the brightest tides of time
because the splendor of diamonds 
will run away
leaving you with empty hands that sigh.
Let your voice light everything
that shakes your blessings,
so that you may live,
continue standing
never hide.

Count the stars in silence,
get lost
in their features
as you dream of holding hands
with the tides of time.
You will find yourself in flight
over roads that meet years
full of deep eyes
with no tears.
Countless thoughts you will treasure,
raining down
in perfect rhyme.

Bid farewell to your trust in wealth
it can die before your eyes.
Cover the touch
of the brightest tides of time.
Count the stars in silence
when you fly over the roads
of your memories.
A strong breeze
will blow into your thoughts,
as the finest wine.

© 2011 Neva Flores - Changefulstorm

I Can

I am able without a doubt
To take whatever comes my way
Because I believe that I hear a shout
Which says "I Can" every day

When all hope is shattered, it seems
And I am in the stress of strife
I will still lift my chin and chase my dreams
In this battle, I call "My Life"

I will not wait until tomorrow comes
To do what must be done
Because there is no "Can't"
Where I come from
I am as faithful as our sun

I do not believe that the world is to blame
For my grief or cares
And I do not think a single soul
Should feel ashamed
If my load is more than theirs

I bravely walk along a path I call my own
Not a step, do I take in fear
"I Can" is the name of my song
And I will sing it
Through my tears

Copyright *Neva Flores @2010

Your pain is....

Your pain is the breaking of the shell
that encloses your understanding.

Even as the stone of the fruit must break,that its
heart may stand in the sun, so must you know pain.

And could you keep your heart in wonder
at the daily miracles of your life, your pain
would not seem less wondrous than your joy;

And you would accept the seasons of your
heart, even as you have always accepted
the seasons that pass over your fields.

And you would watch with serenity
through the winters of your grief.

Much of your pain is self-chosen.

It is the bitter potion by which the
physician within you heals your sick self.

Therefore trust the physician, and drink
his remedy in silence and tranquillity:

For his hand, though heavy and hard, is guided
by the tender hand of the Unseen,
And the cup he brings, though it burn your lips,
has been fashioned of the clay which the Potter
has moistened with His own sacred tears.
~Khalil Gibran


I maybe out of your sight, 
But I would never be out of your life.
I maybe out of your reach,
But I would never be out of your heart.
I may leave but you would never be forgotten.

I may leave this place and people whom I trust
But the memories of being in this place
Would always be with me.
I may start a new life in a new place
But then, I would always keep your memories.

I promise you I'll come back
And we'll continue the friendship we had.

by Rica Zuniga, Philipines

BUTTERFLIES Author: Mandy Marie Fogelman

Suddenly I get this feeling
My mind draws a blank
My hands are slightly shaking
My heart begins to race

I feel like I'm losing control
I'm nervous inside and out
I have an unexplainable feeling
I wish I could figure this out

These butterflies inside of me
Keep fluttering all throughout
I thought they were gone for good
I didn't know they could come out

It must be the way
You get to me like you do
The way you make me feel
The way I love you like I do...


It’s dark because
you are trying too
hard. Lightly child,
lightly. Learn to do
everything lightly.
Yes, feel lightly even
though you’re feeling
deeply. Just lightly let
things happen and
lightly cope with
them. I was so
serious in those
days… Lightly, lightly
– it’s the best advice
ever given me…So
throw away your
baggage and go
forward. There are
quicksands all about
you, sucking at your
feet, trying to suck
you down into fear
and self-pity and
despair. That’s why
you must walk so
lightly. Lightly my
Aldous Huxley

Zindagi Mai Hamesha Naye Log Milenge,
Kahin Ziyada To Kahin Kam Milenge,
Aitbaar Zara Soch Kar Karna,
Mumkin Nahi Har Jagah Tumhe Hum Milenge !!!

Please Forgive Me.... by Katherine

I need to say im sorry
For causing you this pain
I put you in this position
Where there’s nothing you can gain

I'm sorry I got mad
I'm sorry that I cry
But I hope that you can see
Because the truth is that I try

I really have no reason
To act the way I do
I guess it’s just to hide the fact
That I'm truly feeling blue

And I just want you to know
Its you I can’t live without
And I hope that you believe me
Because that’s true without a doubt

I hope that you forgive me
For all that I’ve done wrong
Because I need you in my life
To continue being strong

I know that once before
I tried to get you back
I just can’t let you see
That there’s so much that I lack

So please just one more time
Help me put this in the past
Because you are my true friend

Missing childhood !.... unknown

I wanna feel young again…
I wanna play in the rain to wash away all the pain to relive the innocence once again…
I just wanna be myself, to relive the innocence of childhood to hug to my mom every time I am scared…
I wanna feel young again,

I wanna fly the paper aeroplanes from roof of my house…
I wanna maneuver the paper boat in the rain water lanes…
I wanna run in the garden, catching butterflies…
I wanna fly my kite high in the sky…
For the life in 20′s something, nothing seems to be in my control,only a desperate feelings to take control of things all around me which seems to fall apart..
I wanna feel kid once again…

I wanna carelessly ride my bicycle knowing dad ‘s always there to lift me up when I fall…
I wanna jump around doing nothing all the day…

As I know, just can’t do it anymore,

I just wanna return to the childhood innocence once again to feel the bliss of being a care-free naughty kid !

I wanna return to that life where all the small things created excitement. Eating from tiffin boxes of friends, getting new compass box, taking something interesting to class everyday like pencil, stickers, toy, magnet, a new key chain etc. I just wanna pretend crying for no reason at all & mom consoling me for hours taking me in her lap. I just wanna live life once again…

- Unknown

Be Silent With Me © Brian Terry

I walk on a path deep in a forest and the noise of loneliness fills my head.
I think of all my friends and family that are long since dead.

I listen to the wind blow through the trees, on my face I can feel the warm summer the breeze.
My breath deepens and my heart slows as I fall to my knees.

I hear their voices loud, I hear their voices clear.
I can see their faces through every tear.

Be silent with me.

I realize I am alone and there is no one with me.
Is this I wonder, how my whole life will be?

I have people I call friends; but how many will be there till the end?
When death comes knocking at my door; will there be someone there I can call my friend?

I can feel the blood flowing through my veins. 
I can hear a loud thunder in my head accompanying sharp pains.

Be silent with me.

Where am I? There is nothing here I recognize.
Trees begin to blend with bushes, I can not trust my eyes.

I am feeling a sense of loneliness like never before.
I wish I had someone to talk to, as I clutch the forest floor.

I find myself wanting to tell someone of all the things I feel.
How the only thing I ever wanted was a friend that was real.

I never thought it was too much to ask for, someone to treat me the way I treat them.
So many people have a warped understanding of the meaning of friend.

I can hear the sweat pour from every pore of my being.
I can hear everything, even the most distant birds singing.

Be silent with me.

I feel my thoughts slow as if I were on the edge of sleep.
I struggle to make sense of these feelings that are running so deep.

I roll onto my back and look up at the sky. 
Today I think, is a beautiful day to die.

A random thought I can not explain.
Is it I wonder, because I feel no more pain?

I no longer hear the faint sound of my heart beat. 
Then I hear the sound of my fathers voice saying, come, be silent with me!