Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Teardrops fall,

Teardrops fall,
hearts are broken with words.
Could anyone
learn to love a girl like me?
All alone,
yet surrounded by life's problems,
I can't give up,
there's a race I'm meant to run.

Working hard,
my efforts seeming foolish,
Bruised and scarred
by the words of untamed mouths,
I must go on,
there's a light out in the darkness;
It's that light
that I'm striving now to reach.

Found that light,
it's warmer than a fire.
Wrapped in love,
it'll heal the hurt and pain.
I must live,
I want to share that love
With the ones
who are hurting like I was.

MY PROMISE TO YOU Author: Sherri Emily Avery

I'll never forget,
The first that we met,
I remember it like it was yesterday,
It's stays deep in my heart,
The day you found me.

We have promised that we would give
To each other all there is to give
For as long as we both shall live.

I never want wealth or fame,
I only want to have your name,
I only want to wear
That tiny band of gold
And always have to you hold.

I will keep my promise to you,
I will never be untrue,
Even though sometimes I will be
Away from you.

I will never break your heart,
I've always loved you from the start,
I must say to you this very special day,
I won't let it take my pride,
I want to be your bride.

I will never let you feel empty inside,
I will never break the ties that bind,
I will never leave you behind,
I will never let our love die.

So I make another promise to you, my love,
We will live and we will learn,
And where ever you may go,
My heart will always follow.

And now it's plain to see,
The the promise's that I have made to thee,
Will show in time, you see,
That you and I will never be lonely,
I love this you and me.


Your light is seen. Your heart is known. Your soul is cherished by more people than you might imagine. If you knew how many others have been touched in wonderful ways by you, you would be astonished. If you knew how many people feel so much for you, you would be shocked. You are far more wonderful than you think you are. Rest with that. Rest easy with that. Breathe again. You are doing fine. More than fine. Better than fine. You’re doing great. So relax. And love yourself today.
- Neale Donald Walsch


“So don't be frightened, dear friend, if a sadness confronts you larger than any you have ever known, casting its shadow over all you do. You must think that something is happening within you, and remember that life has not forgotten you; it holds you in its hand and will not let you fall. Why would you want to exclude from your life any uneasiness, any pain, any depression, since you don't know what work they are accomplishing within you?” 
― Rainer Maria RilkeLetters to a Young Poet


“She’s kept her love for him as alive as the summer they first met. In order to do this, she’s turned life away. Sometimes she subsists for days on water and air. Being the only known complex life-form to do this, she should have a species named after her. Once Uncle Julian told me how the sculptor and painter Alberto Giacometti said that sometimes just to paint a head you have to give up the whole figure. To paint a leaf, you have to sacrifice the whole landscape. It might seem like you’re limiting yourself at first, but after a while you realize that having a quarter-of-an-inch of something you have a better chance of holding on to a certain feeling of the universe than if you pretended to be doing the whole sky.

My mother did not choose a leaf or a head. She chose my father. And to hold on to a certain feeling, she sacrificed the world.” 
― Nicole Krauss

My Melted shadow

Strolling on the meadow,
Searching for your shadow,
Darkness spreads to swallow,
Piercing pain that follow.

A darkened cloud spreads,
Hiding the lighted thread,
Shadows weep as they shred,
Without a ray, it’s their death.

Shadows die in darkness,
Leaving us in blindness,
Heartbeats fading to numbness,
A light, never to reach us.

Moments of lonely Despair,
Vanishes blindly to thin air,
Dreaded Distance disappears,
Dear, if your shadow appears.

A rising face, lighting the soul,
The lighted soul filling whole,
Lighting life for shadows to roll,
Shadows now, life’s only goal.

In that moment’s moment,
While our hearts were silent,
A gushing spark within, I felt
It’s your shadow...
with my heartbeats present.

A silent breeze melted me to her shadow,
Knotted soul, we are on the meadow,
Twining to unite, in blanketed moonlight,
Flooding delight in this lovely night…


Too oft is a smile
But the hypocrite's wile,
To mask detestation, or fear;
Give me the soft sigh,
Whilst the soul telling eye
Is dimm'd, for a time, with a Tear:
Ye friends of my heart,
Ere from you I depart,
This hope to my breast is most near:
If again we shall meet,
In this rural retreat,
May we meet, as we part, with a Tear.
When my soul wings her flight
To the regions of night,
And my corse shall recline on its bier;
As ye pass by the tomb,
Where my ashes consume,
Oh! moisten their dust with a Tear.
I thank you all wonderful people for being there in my L I F E....

WE ALL NEED SOMEONE by Jay Jay aka Lil Saint

I can see the tears forming around your eyes.
And I can see your fears building up inside.
I can see your confused and tired of life.
I can tell you wish everything felt right.

I can tell your sad and just want to be held.
I can tell you fake that smile and that your going through hell.
I can tell your afraid and fed up with the pain.
I can tell your feelings are hard to explain

All you need is for someone to come along.
And take your fears away so they'd be gone.
Someone to keep you warm when your shivering and your cold.
Someone of whom with your future will unfold.

Someone to take your hand and hold on tight.
Someone to hold you on through the night.
Someone to wipe those tears from your eyes.
Someone who will be faithful and never say goodbye.

Think real hard and you'll figure out that someone is me.
Ill make you my everything to my heart you'll have the key.
Ill give you happiness ill make your fears be gone.
Because it seems like in this world we all need someone.

My Fairytale's Illusion by TinyDancer

A heart he stole away from me
Right from my bleeding chest
And through the wounds, I gave him love
For he deserved the best

A treasure I held in my hands
That promised he would stay
My prince I had now, finally
He'd never go away...

But through the stormy weather
With the lies I failed to see
My prince had found a princess
And he loved her more than me...

Yet I couldn't see the damage
Through the dark storm, I was blind
Conceived by what I dreamed for,
Love was perfect in my mind...

Till one day, lightening struck me
My prince left without a trace
My broken heart screamed out his name
While tears poured down my face

Now I'm crying on this wooden floor
Wishing then I knew
That fairy-tales are make-believe
And dreams do not come true

Heat Of My Desire David Farrar

In the still of the evening
Without sunlight to intrude
I see the twilight in your eyes
As the moon sets up the mood.

Playing music soft and low
While romance fills the air
I can't help but feel aroused
The very moment you come near.

You submit to my embrace
While candles flick their flame
And the smell of sweet perfume
Seems to drive my lust insane.

As I look into your eyes
And run my fingers through your hair
I taste the sweetness of your neck
As I nibble at your ear.

I then whisper words of love
As you answer with a sigh
And in a very sexy way
Your sweet body comes alive.

You're the heat of my desire
As we slowly come undress
I then start to lay you down
While you welcome my caress.

You give me so much pleasure
For ecstasy is here
With you wrapped inside my arms
To this heated love we share.

Now no one can come close
To this love that we inspire
For only you can fill this joy
And the heat of my desire.


The blind artist before his canvas stands, brush he has in hand
With description from my minds eye, the artist now began

T he first thought of my morning, when I awake from sleep
Laying in his loving arms , I never want to leave

Smile on his lips, our eyes meet, as we greet the morn
Loving and gentle is the kiss, I always feel the warmth

Viewing the canvas, I was so surprised
The artist had painted, a beautiful sunrise

I thanked the artist , saying I was pleased
Then asked, might we try another please

New canvas now in front of artist once again we began
Describing my love differently, thinking of the man

The sounds of laughter fill my day, whenever he’s around
Love of nature, appreciated, every creature, every sound

The walks we take together, holding each others hand
Everyday, the love inside of me, grows deeper for the man

I looked at the canvas, still no portrait there
A meadow with a brook, birds flying in the air

Please sir, would you paint another, so glad when he agreed
Wondering from this description what would the artist see

The quiet of the evening, when the day comes to an end
We become lovers, yet he remains my friend

The light from the moon, shines across his face
Filled with so much love, my heart begins to race

Should have not been surprised , when on the canvas I did see
The sun setting in the evening, over the vastness of the sea

Perhaps just one more picture, I beg of you to paint
This will be the last one, all of them are great

He’s everything, my morning , day and night,
You dear artist, on canvas have captured my love right

I loved him for so long now, endless seems the time
I never want another , all I need in him I find

I viewed the canvas, couldn't believe what I did see
A smaller heart inside the bigger
My love inside him and his love inside me

Shayad yahi pyar hai by Riddhi sharma

Meri saanson me tera naam hai
Meri baaton me tera izhaar hai
Kuch jada to nahi janti
Bas itna maloom hai
Shayad ye pyar hai

In aankhon ko kyun tera intzar hai
Is dil pe kyun tera khumaar hai
In ishaaron ko itna to nahi janti
Bas itna pta hai
Shayad ye pyar hai

Kyon teri ik pyari si hansi pe ye jaan kurbaan hai
Kyon teri aankhon ki mastiyon me dubne ka intzaar hai
Is intzaar ka matlab shayad jada nhe jaanti
Bas itna ehsaas hai
Shayad ye pyar hai

Kyon tujhse dur ho kar bhi tujhe paane ki chah hai
Kyon un sab baaton ko bhula kar bhi is dil me tujhe paane ki fariyaad hai
Is chahat ka maksad to nhe jaanti
Bas itna ikraar hai
Han shayad yahi pyar hai!!!!!!!!

Procrastination Is A Message ~ by Joyce Shafer

In our world where "Just do it" and "Take massive action" are touted as mottos and mantras, procrastination is often considered a bad word. But, what if procrastination holds a powerful message or process for you?
Maybe you've experienced being inspired or feeling compelled to take specific action at a specific time, and you found you were right to act on it. And, maybe you've had the same experience I have, where you procrastinate, only to discover you were right to do so. Do you find the first example easier to trust or allow than the second? I'd say many, if not most, people feel like that. We've been taught to be prejudiced in this way.
Trusting your intuitive impulse to procrastinate can be a challenging mental and emotional place to be in, because something inside you is urging you to not take action, yet others are pressing you to do so or you can hear those who talk and teach about taking action chattering in your mind. You may go into self-judgment mode, and that makes you feel even worse. OR, maybe you've learned to trust the particular feeling that happens at those times.
If intuitive procrastination proved to be the right thing to do about a particular matter, that's one thing. What else might be going on when procrastination happens? I listened to an Abraham-Hicks audio on YouTube called "Procrastination is the way you feel when trying to fill your own grid." Unless you're familiar with the grid concept, you likely have no idea what this means. I'll explain; and I promise the explanation will connect with procrastination again.
When you focus on anything, you summon it to you. The way to summon productively is to create an energy grid; then you must allow the grid to be filled in. Think of this like a house being built. The frame is up and you can see through the grid work of the boards; you have somewhat of an idea what the house will look like. Then walls go up and you begin to get a better image of what it will look like as it gets more and more filled in.
Your grid is your point of attraction. When you create your grid, you want to think and feel deliberately rather than "all over the place," as may often happen with thoughts and feelings. And, despite what you've been told, you do not want to put specifics into the grid; all those specific details will slow the energy and make you work harder than you need to. You want to aim at general feelings with words like ease, comfort, appreciation, confidence, serenity, enthusiasm, joy, love, well-being, worthiness, right place, right time, right people, abundance, means to accomplish, etc., in your grid. This is the framework you create.
Each time you put a general word into your grid, feel what it's like to feel the energy of the word, e.g., what does ease feel like; what does enthusiasm feel like? Let the feelings, not specific details, do the work for you energetically. What I do is call to mind a moment when I felt the feeling I want to deliberately feel in the now. Once I connect with that feeling, I let go of replaying the moment in my mind because that will just clutter the "space" with details, and I simply feel the feeling for as long as I can hold it. You want to practice feeling the vibration of each word often. Practice leads to resonance with the fullness of the vibration. When a vibration is matched, you experience full manifestation; but while you're raising your energy and getting your vibration closer and closer as a match, some pretty cool things happen, as well. This is the Universe filling in everything after the framework is created.
Your grid is a reflection of or is constructed by your active beliefs, thoughts, and feelings. Too often, we decide what we want then push ourselves toward what we desire (or believe we're supposed to) rather than allow it to come to us, whether the pushing is mental, emotional, physical, or all three. We tend to leave the spiritual aspect out of the equation; yet, that spiritual energy work is what gets the ball rolling, so to speak, and in our favor, and is what the "allowing" is about (more on this as we go). All that pushing usually or eventually puts us up against an obstruction of some kind, so we push or struggle even more, or we stop in our tracks—we procrastinate, or the Universe procrastinates on our behalf.
Procrastination can come from resistance to doing something you're required to do rather than inspired to do, as you construct your grid of experiences and manifestations. When you feel inspired, you are eager to take action. When you feel required but uninspired to take action, you can feel unenthusiastic, put upon, or resistant.
When you procrastinate about doing something you know you need to do, check the Whys. Why do you need to do it; is there any benefit to you or others, or both, if you take this action? Why do you hesitate about getting started? Something Abraham said that I found amusing and profound, that perhaps you, as well as I, have encountered is: "I HAVE to do this thing that I don't want to do. And I can't figure out why I'm not getting the cooperation from the Universe to do this thing that I don't want to do."
If you know you really need to do something and aren't feeling inspired, aren't feeling cooperation from the Universe (or yourself), you might assess the conversation you're having with yourself and the Universe about this thing. Is your conversation creating alignment for you about doing the needed action? If it isn't, you can be certain it isn't creating the alignment with Law of Attraction you truly desire either. So, you want to change your conversation.
Abraham said procrastination happens when we try to take action before the energies are aligned. We're trying to move something forward through action rather than moving it forward with aligned momentum. We need to enlist the cooperation of the Universe by doing the energy work first, which is how the grid serves us: we use the grid to align our vibration with the vibration of what we wish to experience.
Releasing disempowering, resistant, worried, anxious thoughts and frenetic activity opens your energy – maybe "relaxes your energy" is a better term to use – so that your vibration can go up. When your vibration goes up, you get closer to the frequency of Source. The frequency of Source is alignment, never strain; if you're straining on any level, you're moving away from alignment. Don't judge that; let it draw your attention to what's happening so you can shift it. You know when you're in alignment or not by how you feel. If you feel good or great feelings, you are aligned; if you have bad feelings, you aren't. The thing to remember is that you can practice your way out of bad feelings by releasing any unwanted thoughts and filling in that space with general thoughts, like those mentioned above, and feeling their vibrations.
Let's get back to procrastination. What are we supposed to do when we bump up against some forms of procrastination? I've done what Abraham advises about this: "When you feel procrastination, procrastinate. Don't try to push through it. You can't buck that current. Go do something fun." I know, I know. There are times when you might be penalized for doing this. Take this into consideration, but know there are times you need to procrastinate because the Universe IS assisting you; times when you need to procrastinate because you need to pause and align your energy with your desired experience; and times when you procrastinate because you need to recharge your energy at the mental, emotional, and physical levels.
Rushing around with a frenzied energy or having too many things to do makes and keeps our energy vibration low, not high, the way we need it to be for alignment to happen. When we want or want to do too many things at one time, we diffuse our energy and cause a shortage of focus. A low vibration and shortage of focus creates struggle.
I recall a time when I was asked to house sit for a friend. I'd been under a strain about a lot of things, including money. When I arrived at her house, I made a conscious choice to put all of those kinds of thoughts and that kind of energy aside and be where I was for the time I was there, and that's exactly what I did. A lot of people, feeling that kind of strain, would have used every spare moment to make a plan or take all kinds of action to change their financial situation.
I chose to take care of the house sitting responsibilities as needed and make the rest of the time a vacation, including or especially from thinking about anything other than what was right where I was. I did such a good job with this release that income and means for income started showing up in my inbox immediately and nearly every day I was there. I didn't add any strain to this; I told those who contacted me that I was away until a certain date, made whatever arrangements I could easily make by e-mail (including pre-payment from them) until I returned home, and relaxed and recharged my energy with a nice influx of income that I didn't stress or strain to acquire. A gain without strain—what we all desire yet usually do the opposite.
Someone said to Abraham, "So what I'm hearing is that it's okay for me to just sit there and wait to feel inspired action." Abraham responded: What you're hearing is that you have no choice. What you're hearing is you can take the action and can make yourself do it, but the results won't be pleasing, and that's why you feel like procrastinating. You've been playing this game a long time. It's not fun. You can make yourself do it, but all you do is carve out a mediocre life by making yourself do stuff you don't want to do. What you want to do is find the reason that you want to do it, or don't do it.
Being easygoing, rather than stressing and straining, is frowned upon because society has stipulated that effort is rewarded, not laziness; that there can be no gain without pain; that no matter what, we should just do it. We've been conditioned to believe if we aren't struggling or taking massive action (whether aligned with it or not), we aren't doing what we should be doing. To deliberately procrastinate or allow it for a period of time while we raise our vibration and match it to what we want seems counter-intuitive because of this conditioning to please or appease those who do not know about or understand the leverage of alignment. We are conditioned to worry and be active, even if not productive, despite any trust we may feel about the alignment process and its leverage (if we've gotten that far in our spiritual development), because others will criticize us if we're calm and trusting.

That last part about "never did the plowing" might confuse some. When you focus on aligning your energy vibration to the energy vibration of what you choose to experience or create, you are working, but more effortlessly. And, you will also, in that place of alignment, receive inspired ideas. You'll also find people look for you to connect with, rather than you looking for them. Yes, you take action as needed, but you don't need to take more action than is really needed. You act, and you allow the Universe to direct what or who fulfills your desire to you so you connect with it or them, by holding the vibration.
Remember, it's more effective to choose a good feeling and practice feeling it often, until inspired ideas begin to arrive and then you take inspired action you feel eager about. It's more effective to relax and recharge, or revisit your Whys and conversations with yourself and Source when you feel procrastination. It's a good idea to get familiar with the feeling that comes with procrastination you are meant to trust that is operating in your behalf. You are meant to create and enjoy the creative energy grid of your choice. Create a grid for any project, phone call, or whatever you wish to experience. It's a good practice, one you'll appreciate.
Practice makes progress.
Copyright 2013 © Joyce Shafer