Thursday, May 23, 2013

Put that smile back on your face, dont ever let anyone bring you down, you are more than destined for greatness, you juts have to be willing to go through hell to get to where you want to be, its not about how hard you get hit, but about how hard you can get hit and stand back up and say is that all you got? It takes 17 muscles for a human to smile. So it doesn't necessarily mean you're happy when you smile, it means you're strong.


To your enemy . . .forgiveness,
To your opponent . . .tolerance.
To a friend . . . your heart.
To a customer . . . service.
To all men . . .charity.
To every child . . . a good example
To yourself . . .respect

-Author unknown

Humility is perfect quietness of heart,"
Andrew Murray once wrote.
"It is to expect nothing,
to wonder at nothing that is done to me,
to feel nothing done against me.
It is to be at rest when nobody praises me,
and when I am blamed or despised.
It is to have a blessed home in the Lord,
where I can go in and shut the door,
and kneel to my Father in secret,
and am at peace as in a deep sea of calmness,
when all around and above is trouble."

- Andrew Murray

“Hearts united in pain and sorrow will not be separated by joy and happiness. Bonds that are woven in sadness are stronger than the ties of joy and pleasure. Love that is washed by tears will remain eternally pure and faithful.” ~Khalil Gibran, Love Letters in the Sand: The Love Poems of Khalil Gibran

Look Back to See How Far You Have Come
~ by Betsy Chasse

Life is an adventure, a journey through many valleys with many mountains to climb. You're going to get tired, you're going to be hungry, you're going to feel lost. Some nights will be cold and filled with scary things. Some days will be long, hot and without comfort.

Take the time, even when it's hard, especially when you don't feel like it, to stop and look back to see how far you have come. Look at your life in awe for what you have accomplished and know that you have the ability, the grace and the wisdom to continue moving forward. In between those tough times your life has been filled with love, joy, laughter and bliss.

When times are hard, close your eyes and choose a magical moment that filled your heart with joy, then remember that have you have overcome so many obstacles already and know it is within you to do it again.

Believe in yourself, trust yourself and know you are never alone because we are all connected. You are only a thought away from love. Forgive yourself, accept who you are and accept your brilliance. Remember that challenges are opportunities to show yourself what you have within you. And believe me, you have it in you.

Most importantly, laugh. Laugh because you know this too shall pass. Laugh because in laughter you will find the wisdom to know what to do, because you will banish the monster of fear to a far off place leaving you with an open heart.

An open heart is a heart that is awakened to a higher potential. Your higher potential.

Breathe and be patient. Sit still and quiet your mind. It is when you create silence that you will see the beliefs and programming that have been holding you hostage. Ask yourself, "Are they serving me?"

Now let go of what is not. When you let go of your old beliefs and programming about what you think you know, suddenly new ideas, new dreams can come to you. Make the space for these dreams - they are within you, just waiting for you to open the door of your soul and welcome them in. You can do it - I believe in you.

Quote by Dan Millman:

"When we feel stuck, going nowhere, even starting to slip backward... we may actually be backing up to get a running start."
The blocks along the way have a purpose; they give us a moment to get our breath back, to learn from what's happened and to reassess the best path to go forward; and to realize again why we are on this path. Our vision renewed will inspire and energize us.

Seeing death as the end of life is like seeing the horizon as the end of the ocean.To be what we are, and to become what we are capable of becoming is the only end of life.It is to be like God, and the soul following God will be like Him.The end of life is life. Life is action, the use of one's powers. And to use them to their height is our joy of duty.Happiness is not the end of life, character is.Man strives for glory, honor, fame, so that all the world may know his name. Amasses wealth by brain and hand. Becomes a power in the land. But when he nears the end of life and looks back over the years of strife. He finds that happiness depends on none of these but love of friends.

Life is one thing that every creature on the planet has in common, but the meaning and understanding of life varies widely from person to person. Life has been described as short, sweet, dreamlike, transient and by many other definitions. We have a collection of the best life quotes and sayings from many perspectives from loving life and living it to its fullest to complaints and critiques of life.
Life can be appreciated and understood in many ways, including our famous life quotes and inspirational life quotes. We have funny sayings, cute love life quotes, funny, sad & happy life quotes and inspirational life quotes. Whether you are looking for live life quotes to remind someone in your life to live each day to its fullest or cute quotes about love and the importance of love to life, browse our lists of quotes to find what you want to say about this amazing journey we call life.

15 Things you should Give Up for Happier Life (Shared By: Junaid Tahir)

This is indeed a brilliant article and needs to be read again and again ...

Here is a list of 15 things, which, if you give up on them, will make your life a lot easier and you'll feel much, much happier. We hold on to so many things that cause us a great deal of pain, stress and suffering and instead of letting them all go and allowing ourselves to be stress-free and happy, we cling on to them.

Well, not anymore. Starting today, we will give up on all those things that no longer serve us, and we will embrace change. Ready? Here we go!

1. Give up your need to always be right. There are so many of us who can't stand the idea of being wrong wanting to always be right even at the risk of ending great relationships or causing a great deal of stress and pain for us and for others. It's just not worth it. Whenever you feel the 'urgent' need to jump into a fight over who is right and who is wrong, ask yourself this question from Dr. Wayne Dyer: 'Would I rather be right, or would I rather be kind?' What difference will that make? Is your ego really that big?

2. Give up your need for control. Be willing to give up your need to always control everything that happens to you and around you situations, events, people, etc. Whether they are loved ones, co-workers, or just strangers you meet on the street just allow them to be. Allow everything and everyone to be just as they are and you will see how much better will that make you feel.
'By letting it go, it all gets done. The world is won by those who let it go. But when you try and try. The world is beyond winning.' Lao Tzu

3. Give up on blame. Give up on your need to blame others for what you have or don't have, for what you feel or don't feel. Stop giving your powers away and start taking responsibility for your life.

4. Give up your self-defeating self-talk. Oh my. How many people are hurting themselves because of their negative, polluted and repetitive self-defeating mindset? Don't believe everything that your mind is telling you especially if it's negative and self-defeating. You are better than that.
'The mind is a superb instrument if used rightly. Used wrongly, however, it becomes very destructive.' Eckhart Tolle

5. Give up your limiting beliefs about what you can or cannot do, about what is possible or impossible. From now on, you are no longer going to allow your limiting beliefs to keep you stuck in the wrong place. Spread your wings and fly!
'A belief is not an idea held by the mind, it is an idea that holds the mind.' Elly Roselle

6. Give up complaining. Give up your constant need to complain about those many, many, maaany things people, situations and events that make you unhappy, sad and depressed. Nobody can make you unhappy, no situation can make you sad or miserable unless you allow it to. It's not the situation that triggers those feelings in you, but how you choose to look at it. Never underestimate the power of positive thinking.

7. Give up the luxury of criticism. Give up your need to criticize things, events or people that are different than you. We are all different, yet we are all the same. We all want to be happy, we all want to love and be loved and we all want to be understood. We all want something, and something is wished by us all.

8. Give up your need to impress others. Stop trying so hard to be something that you're not just to make others like you. It doesn't work this way. The moment you stop trying so hard to be something that you're not, the moment you take of all your masks, the moment you accept and embrace the real you, you will find people will be drawn to you, effortlessly.

9. Give up your resistance to change. Change is good. Change will help you move from A to B. Change will help you make improvements in your life and also the lives of those around you. Follow your bliss, embrace change don't resist it.
'Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls.' Joseph Campbell

10. Give up labels. Stop labeling the things, people or events that you don't understand as being weird or different and try opening your mind, little by little. Minds only work when open.The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don't know anything about.' Dr. Wayne Dyer

11. Give up on your fears. Fear is just an illusion, it doesn't exist you created it. It's all in your mind. Correct the inside and the outside will fall into place.
'The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself.' Franklin D. Roosevelt

12. Give up your excuses. . A lot of times we limit ourselves because of the many excuses we use. Instead of growing and working on improving ourselves and our lives, we get stuck and lie to ourselves, using all kind of excuses excuses that 99.9% of the time, are not even real.

13. Give up the past. I know, I know. This one's hard. Especially when the past looks so much better than the present and the future looks so frightening. But, you have to take into consideration the fact that the present moment is all you have and all you will ever have. The past you are now longing for the past that you are now dreaming about was ignored by you when it was present. Stop deluding yourself. Be present in everything you do and enjoy life. After all, life is a journey not a destination. Have a clear vision for the future, prepare yourself, but always be present in the now.

14. Give up attachment. This is a concept that, for most of us, is so hard to grasp and I have to tell you that it was for me too (it still is), but it's not impossible. You get better and better at it with time and practice. The moment you detach yourself from all things (and that doesn't mean you give up your love for them because love and attachment have nothing to do with one another. Attachment comes from a place of fear, while love well, real love is pure, kind, and selfless; where there is love there can't be fear, and because of that, attachment and love cannot co-exist) you become so peaceful, so tolerant, so kind, and so serene. You will get to a place where you will be able to understand all things without even trying. A state beyond words.

15. Give up living your life to other people's expectations. Way too many people are living a life that is not theirs to live. They live their lives according to what others think is best for them; they live their lives according to what their parents think is best for them; to what their friends, their enemies and their teachers, their government and the media think is best for them. They ignore their inner voice, that inner calling. They are so busy with pleasing everybody, with living up to other people's expectations, that they lose control over their lives. They forget what makes them happy, what they want, what they need and eventually, they forget about themselves. You have one life this one right now you must live it, own it, and especially don't let other people's opinions distract you from your path.

..Unwraped presents
the heart is full flames
that burn so bright
yet the arms are so very empty as passion burns within given to no one
these secret gifts
i hold within my soul
with no one to give
then to presents
yet unwraped come
the break of day
i go to my bed my darkened room
that protects me
from the glare of the sun
i crawl in my bed
between my sheets
and lay alone
and think though there is no protection from the emptiness
i feel my life spins before me
circles of work ,
sleep and all alone
i sing songs to no one
i dream of something more ,
as i head out to the nite time
i look back at the door my home,
my heart all there
and waiting for the one some day
who will fill this vampyress heart
with love and end these lonely days

A Friend is a Treasure
A friend is someone we turn to,
when our spirits need a lift.

A friend is someone we treasure,
For our friendship is a gift.

A friend is someone
 who fills our lives,
with beauty, joy & grace.

& make da world we live in,
a better & happier place.

Happy days. MY FRIEND !

I miss that feelng of being complete,
Although theres nothing at all missing in my life.

I miss that one special hug that could ease all the tension 'n grief,
Although i have innumerable people who genuinely support me in time of need.

I miss that one awaited call or text during the day,
Although my Phone doesnt stop ringing until its battery givs away..

I miss the feeling
of being the most special person in someone's Life,
Although there are people who say i m special for them.

Its not often that i get this feeling,
But when i do i realise,i know what i m missing in life..
'n That's LOVE..!!

It may not be the same,
But some things never change.
I feel it 'n I trust it,
I still believe in forever
Because that's what my heart knows.

Memories are the dew drops on our petals
That re-open the buds that have closed.
Flowers wilt as seasons change,
Though they grow a little more with rain.

The sun will shine when in need,
'n left behind, a precious seed.. .

Its not "Destiny" that determines "Love"...
It's "Choice" our so-called "Destiny" is a lie!
relationship last long not because they are destined to last long.
relationship last long because two BRAVE persons made a CHOICE to KEEP it, to FIGHT for it, and to WORK for it.
other relationship fail...
not because they destined to fail....
do you agree???
They failed because one of the two, or both, made the choice to GIVE-UP.......

The most wonderful of all things in life,I believe, is the discovery of another human being with whom one's relationship has a glowing depth, beauty, and joy as the years increase.This inner progressiveness of love between two human beings is a most marvelous thing, it cannot be found by looking for it or by passionately wishing for it.It is a sort of Divine accident.
- Sir Hugh Walpo

Both friends will think da other is busy & will not contact, thinking it may be disturbing.As time passes both will think let the other contact.After that each will think. WHY should I contact first.Here YOUR Love will be converted to Hate you forget each other .One fine day u will meet & blame one another.So keep in touch with your friendz & pass this to all your friendz.

* Why do we ask 'SORRY' even when we're not wrong..??
* Why do we 'BEND' ourselves in front of the person we care..??
* Why do we feel pleasure in 'HURTING' the one we love..??
* Why do we get 'CONSOLED' only when we cry on their shoulders who made us to cry..??

Some PAINS are more enjoyed than happiness!
Some RELATIONS are more important than ego!
Some DEFEATS are more triumphant than victory!
Some MOMENTS are more precious than breath.

Smiling is infectious,
You catch it like the flu.
When someone smiled at me today
I started smiling too.
I walked around the corner
And someone saw me grin.
When he smiled I realised
I had passed it on to him.
I thought about the smile
And then realised its worth.
A single smile like mine
Could travel round the earth!
So if you feel a smile begin
Don't leave it undetected -
Start an epidemic
And get the world infected!

Author Unknown

Happiness as light as air.
Friends as solid as diamonds and success as bright as gold.
These are my wishes for you today n everyday...
Good luck

Conversations With God: An Uncommon Dialogue, Vol. 2

Make of your life a gift. Remember always, you are the gift!
Be a gift to everyone who enters your life, and to everyone whose life you enter. Be careful not to enter another’s life if you cannot be a gift. (You can always be a gift, because you always are the gift—yet sometimes you don’t let yourself know that.) When someone enters your life unexpectedly, look for the gift that person has come to receive from you…I HAVE SENT YOU NOTHING BUT ANGELS.”
― Neale Donald Walsch,

Are not lifelong friendships born at the moment when at last you meet another human being who has some inkling (but faint and uncertain even in the best) of that something which you were born desiring, and which, beneath the flux of other desires and in all the momentary silences between the louder passions, night and day, year by year, from childhood to old age, you are looking for, watching for, listening for? You have never had it.”
― C.S. Lewis

A positive sense of self can bring heaven to earth. If one manifests their divine nature they can transform their inner world and cultivate a life of love and compassion. Love and wholeness will bring us rewarding new life experiences and fulfill our souls potential. Let us all nurture awareness and nourish the spirit, for by doing so we will walk the earth in friendship as we reconnect with joy.........

If you both agree at a conscious level that the purpose of your relationship is to create an opportunity, not an obligation—an opportunity for growth, for full Self expression, for lifting your lives to their highest potential, for healing every false thought or small idea you ever had about you, and for ultimate reunion with God through the communion of your two souls—if you take that vow instead of the vows you’ve been taking—the relationship has begun on a very good note.

Neale Donald Walsch

Kahlil Gibran, The Prophe

“For what is your friend that you should seek him with hours to kill?

Seek him always with hours to live.

For it is his to fill your need, but not your emptiness.

And in th sweetness of friendship let there be laughter, and sharing of pleasures.

For in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed.”

In your entire life, you can probably count your true friends on one hand. Maybe even on one finger. Those are the friends you need to cherish, and I wouldn't trade one of them for a hundred of the other kind. I'd rather be completely alone than with a bunch of people who aren't real. People who are just passing time.”
― Sarah Ockler,


If one wishes a life of abundance , development of the soul is of the utmost import. By fulfilling the souls potential we celebrate the divine spirit , raise the collective consciousness and fuel the fires of transformation.

Micheal Teal


To hope is to risk pain, to try is to risk mistakes. To live is about to take the risk, because the greatest hazard in life is not to risk anything. The man who does not risk anything, does nothing, has nothing, is nothing. She or he may avoid suffering and sorrow, but he simply can not learn, feel, change, live and love. She or he is a slave, chained to their beliefs or their obsessions. She or he has realized his greatest asset, his individual freedom. Only those who take risks to develop is free.


No one says take care. Everyone says I dont care,I dont know why?
Maybe talking to me they feel shy..No one belives me,Everyone says leave me,Maybe I m not fine. ..


Shovel your thoughts get to know what is important,what are you looking for....whom you are true with,and whom you want to lose....shovel deep and take out all fears out and remember no-one..I MEAN NO ONE... is going to be with you always they'll use you like a tissue paper and going to throw in your destined be strong enough to face the harsh reality of the world..but whatso ever do shovel your thoughts once..will make it pretty easy to live
~ unknown..

Self -Respect

Self-respect is often mistaken for arrogance when in reality it is the opposite. When we can recognize all our good qualities as well as or faults with neutrality, we can start to appreciate ourselves as we would a dear friend and experience the comfortable inner glow of respect. To embrace the journey towards our full potential we need to become our own loving teacher and coach. Spurring ourselves on to become better human beings, we develop true regard for ourselves, and our life will become sacred. - Osho

For Better Mental Health (Shared By: Murli dhar Gupta)

When negative thoughts arise it is best to address them rather than pushing them down where they will surface again.

For the last several years, there has been a lot of focus on the power of positive thinking. Many people have come to misinterpret this wisdom to mean that it is not okay to have a bad mood or a negative thought or feeling. This can lend a kind of superficiality to their relationship with life and relationships with other people. It can also lead them to feel that if a negative thought or feeling comes up, in themselves or someone else, they must immediately block it out. When they do this, they are engaging in the act of repressing a part of themselves that needs to seen, heard, and processed.

When we repress parts of ourselves, they don’t go away so much as they get buried deep within us, and they often come out when we least expect it. On the other hand, if we allow ourselves to be fully human, honoring all the thoughts, feelings, and moods that pass through us on a given day, we create a more conscious relationship with ourselves. Instead of blocking out thoughts and feelings that we label as negative, we can simply observe them and then let them go. They only get stuck when we react to them negatively, pushing them down and out of sight where they get lodged in our unconscious minds. A healthier solution might be to develop a practice of following any negative thought we may have with a positive thought. This works well because positive thoughts are many times more powerful than negative thoughts.

Rather than setting our minds up in such a way that we become fearful of the contents of our own consciousness, blocking out anything that is less than 100 percent positive, we might resolve to develop a friendlier attitude toward ourselves, trusting in our inherent goodness. When we recognize our true inner worth, a few dark clouds passing through our minds will not intimidate us. We will see them for what they are—small, dark figures passing through an expansive sky of well-being and truth.

Moving On

As every flower fades and youth must give way to old age,
So all wisdom and each virtue may be valid only in its day.Nothing but our Highest Self stays with us forever.
At life’s calling the human soul must say farewell
And be ready for a new beginning.
Bravely and without sadness we need to
Enter into ever new learning, safe in the knowledge that
In the background of all life dwells the power of the Unseen,
To guide and protect us and help us to live,
Wherever our destiny may take us one day.
We are meant to move happily through space and time,
Without making our home in any one of them,
Because we know that our true home lies elsewhere.
The Spirit of the Divine never aims
To tie and restrict any of us; quite the opposite is true!
Step by step the Universe tries to lift us
Beyond the horizons of our present understanding.
If we are in danger of staying with one particular way of living
For too long, our spirit and soul stagnate and start to yearn for
Fresh learning through new adventures and further explorations.
The awareness that there is no death, that life is eternal,Without beginning or end, helps us to
Give in more readily to the demands of life
When the time for moving on has come.
The hour of departure from the physical plane of life is eased and
We can enjoy our rebirth onto a different level of life,
Because we know that all it means is learning of a different kind.
The realisation that life’s call to the human soulWill never end fills our heart and soul with good cheer.
It enables us to say good-bye willingly and happily,
Whenever the need arises, and go forward peacefully
To find rest and healing in the oneness with God.‘
-'Stufen’ by Hermann HesseTranslated & adapted by Aquarius


She flinches when he touches her,
and is afraid to get too close,
not because she's never trusted.
But at one point in time everyone she did let her down.
- me.

Start Where You Are: A Guide to Compassionate Living

Life is a fight. You are in matter to conquer it—lest it conquer you.There is nothing in this universe stronger than the will of man when it is directed by a powerful unit of force. Whatever your strength, make the most of it in the battle of life.Remember that your opponents are not other men, but conditions. If you fight men, they will fight you back; but if you fight conditions, they, being unintelligent, will yield to you with just enough resistance to keep your muscles in good order.And do not forget the law of rhythm—that is at the back of everything. Count on rhythm; it never has failed yet, and it never will. Watch for the high tides of yourself and flow up with them; when the inevitable low tides come, either rest or meditate. You cannot escape rhythm. You transcend it by working with it. You can even turn and grow young, for time also has its tides; and there are many ripples in the long sea-swell of life.For most of life, nothing wonderful happens. If you don’t enjoy getting up and working and finishing your work and sitting down to a meal with family or friends, then the chances are you’re not going to be very happy. If someone bases his [or her] happiness on major events like a great job, huge amounts of money, a flawlessly happy marriage or a trip to Paris, that person isn’t going to be happy much of the time. If, on the other hand, happiness depends on a good breakfast, flowers in the yard, a drink or a nap, then we are more likely to live with quite a bit of happiness. .....: Moral certainty is always a sign of cultural inferiority. The more uncivilized the man, the surer he is that he knows precisely what is right and what is wrong. All human progress, even in morals, has been the work of men who have doubted the current moral values, not of men who have whooped them up and tried to enforce them. The truly civilized man is always skeptical and tolerant, in this field as in all others. His culture is based on ‘I am not too sure.’ .....: If you are inside of something, say an atom, you only see electrons whirling chaotically around you. If you moved outside the atom you would see those electrons moving with a pattern around the atom. If you rise further above you see that atoms are actually the building blocks of larger structures called molecules. And so it goes, on up the scale, ad infinitum. The ever familiar ‘forest from the trees’ syndrome. It’s all a matter of perspective. True creativity is allowing yourself to gain the loftiest perspective you can in relation to the object of your quandary or inquiry. ... The discovery of this reality is hindered rather than helped by belief, whether one believes in God or believes in atheism. We must make here a clear distinction between belief and faith, because, in general practice, belief has come to mean a state of mind which is almost the opposite of faith. Belief, as I use the word here, is the insistence that the truth is what one would ‘lief’ or wish it to be. The believer will open his mind to the truth on the condition that it fits in with his preconceived ideas and wishes. Faith, on the other hand, is an unreserved opening of the mind to the truth, whatever it may turn out to be. Faith has no preconceptions; it is a plunge into the unknown. Belief clings, but faith lets go. In this sense of the word, faith is the essential virtue of science, and likewise of any religion that is not self-deception. Conventional opinion is the ruin of our souls, something borrowed which we mistake as our own. Ignorance is better than this; clutch at madness instead. Always run from what seems to benefit your self: sip the poison and spill the water of life. Revile those who flatter you; lend both interest and principal to the poor. Let security go and be at home amidst dangers. Leave your good name behind and accept disgrace. I have lived with cautious thinking; now I’ll make myself mad. ~Rumi, Mathnawi II .....: If you don’t have the right abstractions, you can make things artificially difficult. For example, if I was going to teach arithmetic and I only knew about Roman numerals, you might get the idea that multiplication is extremely difficult. Given the idea of Arabic numerals it becomes a lot easier. If we took Roman numerals, the Romans have no way to express zero. It was just a sort of concept that didn’t exist so a whole branch of mathematics was not only difficult, it was impossible. If we have the wrong abstractions, we can make things which are intrinsically rather simple very difficult. I think that’s what’s happened in parallel programming. We’re using the wrong abstractions and that’s making things artificially difficult.” - Joe Armstrong....... Life is glorious, but life is also wretched. It is both. Appreciating the gloriousness inspires us, encourages us, cheers us up, gives us a bigger perspective, energizes us. We feel connected. But if that’s all that’s happening, we get arrogant and start to look down on others, and there is a sense of making ourselves a big deal and being really serious about it, wanting it to be like that forever. The gloriousness becomes tinged by craving and addiction. On the other hand, wretchedness—life’s painful aspect—softens us up considerably. Knowing pain is a very important ingredient of being there for another person. When you are feeling a lot of grief, you can look right into somebody’s eyes because you feel you haven’t got anything to lose—you’re just there. The wretchedness humbles us and softens us, but if we were only wretched, we would all just go down the tubes. We’d be so depressed, discouraged, and hopeless that we wouldn’t have enough energy to eat an apple. Gloriousness and wretchedness need each other. One inspires us, the other softens us. They go together.” - Pema Chödrön


The deepest secret is that life is not a process of discovery, but a process of creation. You are not discovering yourself, but creating yourself anew. Seek, therefore, not to find out Who You Are, seek to determine Who You Want to Be.”
― Neale Donald Walsch


“I'm not sure if there's one right place I'm supposed to be, he said, but I know a couple of wrong places I'd give a second try in a heartbeat. ”― Brian Andreas

Traveling Light: Stories & Drawings for a Quiet Mind

You may not remember the time you let me go first.
Or the time you dropped back to tell me it wasn't that far to go.
Or the time you waited at the crossroads for me to catch up.
You may not remember any of those, but I do and this is what I have to say to you:

Today, no matter what it takes,
we ride home together.”
― Brian Andreas, Traveling Light: Stories & Drawings for a Quiet Mind

He awoke each morning with the desire to do right, to be a good and meaningful person, to be, as simple as it sounded and as impossible as it actually was, happy. And during the course of each day his heart would descend from his chest into his stomach. By early afternoon he was overcome by the feeling that nothing was right, or nothing was right for him, and by the desire to be alone. By evening he was fulfilled: alone in the magnitude of his grief, alone in his aimless guilt, alone even in his loneliness. I am not sad, he would repeat to himself over and over, I am not sad. As if he might one day convince himself. Or fool himself. Or convince others--the only thing worse than being sad is for others to know that you are sad. I am not sad. I am not sad. Because his life had unlimited potential for happiness, insofar as it was an empty white room. He would fall asleep with his heart at the foot of his bed, like some domesticated animal that was no part of him at all. And each morning he would wake with it again in the cupboard of his rib cage, having become a little heavier, a little weaker, but still pumping. And by the midafternoon he was again overcome with the desire to be somewhere else, someone else, someone else somewhere else. I am not sad.” ― Jonathan Safran Foer, Everything Is Illuminated


“No reflection was to be allowed now, not one glance was to be cast back; not even one forward. Not one thought was to be given either to the past or the future. The first was a page so heavenly sweet, so deadly sad, that to read one line of it would dissolve my courage and break down my energy. The last was an awful blank, something like then world when the deluge was gone by.” ― Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre

Conversations With God― Neale Donald Walsch,

Embrace every circumstance, own every fault, share every joy, contemplate every mystery, walk in every man’s shoes, forgive every offense (including your own), heal every heart, honor every person’s truth, adore every person’s God, protect every person’s rights, preserve every person’s dignity, promote every person’s interests, provide every person’s needs, presume every person’s holiness, present every person’s greatest gifts, produce every person’s blessing, pronounce every person’s future secure in the assured love of God. Be a living, breathing example of the Highest Truth that resides within you. Speak humbly of yourself, lest someone mistake your Highest Truth for boast. Speak softly, lest someone think you are merely calling for attention. Speak gently, that all might know of Love. Speak openly, lest someone think you have something to hide. Speak candidly, so you cannot be mistaken. Speak often, so that your word may truly go forth. Speak respectfully, that no one be dishonored. Speak lovingly, that every syllable may heal. Speak of Me with every utterance. Make of your life a gift. Remember always, you are the gift! Be a gift to everyone who enters your life, and to everyone whose life you enter. Be careful not to enter another’s life if you cannot be a gift. (You can always be a gift, because you always are the gift—yet sometimes you don’t let yourself know that.) When someone enters your life unexpectedly, look for the gift that person has come to receive from you…I HAVE SENT YOU NOTHING BUT ANGELS.”


The wounded healer in me knows that healing our driven selves comes from our ability to empower our bodies, hearts, minds, souls, and spirits once more, bringing them into vital unity. Spiritual healing means taking responsibility for being a whole person. We have to take responsibility for being a body, for having a heart, for possessing a mind, for awakening our soul, for opening to our spirit. We need to do right by our body, purify our relationships, use our mind for creative freedom and not enslavement, free the soul from the ego, and undertake the spiritual journey. A whole person is an inspired person, one who embodies the spirit. ~Gabrielle Roth


Look how desire has changed in you,
how light and colorless it is,
with the world growing new marvels
because of your changing.
Your soul has become an invisible bee.
We don't see it working,
but there's the full honeycomb!
Your body's height,
six feet or so,
but your soul rises through nine levels of sky.
A barrel corked with earth
and a raw wooden spile
keeps the oldest vineyard's wine inside.
When I see you,
it is not so much your physical form,
but the company of two riders,
your pure-fire devotion
and your love for the one who teaches you;
then the sun and moon on foot behind those.

If you could get rid
of yourself just once,
the secret of secrets
would open to you.
The face of the unknown,
hidden beyond the universe
would appear on the
mirror of your perception.

If you can distance yourself
from your selfish self,
all heavenly spirits
will stand ready to serve you.

If you can finally hunt down
your own beastly self,
you have the right
to claim Solomon's kingdom.

You are that blessed soul who
belongs to the garden of paradise
is it fair to let yourself
fall apart in a shattered house?

You are the bird of happiness
in the magic of existence
what a pity! why you let
yourself be chained and caged?
~ Rumi


Desire for Happiness

Your desire for pleasure or happiness makes you
unhappy. You examine---whenever you are miserable or
unhappy, behind that is your wanting to be happy.

Love Doesn't Stay
Everyone loves in this world.Everything loves. But
that love does n't stay too long as love. It
immediately becomes hatred, almost immediately. But
yoga is that skill, that preservative, that maintains
that love as love throughout.

Surrender is Not
Surrender is not an act. It's not again and again
trying to bow down and say, "Oh, I am surrendering,
I am surrendering." Saying that to yourself a hundred
times---that is not surrender.


.“Elegance is a glowing inner peace. Grace is an ability to give as well as to receive and be thankful. Mystery is a hidden laugh always ready to surface! Glamour only radiates if there is a sublime courage & bravery within: glamour is like the moon; it only shines because the sun is there.”
― C. JoyBell C.

Endless Time Rabindranath Tagore

Time is endless in thy hands, my lord.
There is none to count thy minutes.

Days and nights pass and ages bloom and fade like flowers.
Thou knowest how to wait.

Thy centuries follow each other perfecting a small wild flower.
We have no time to lose,
and having no time we must scramble for a chance.
We are too poor to be late.

And thus it is that time goes by
while I give it to every querulous man who claims it,
and thine altar is empty of all offerings to the last.

At the end of the day I hasten in fear lest thy gate be shut;
but I find that yet there is time.

~ Excerpt from Khalil Gibran'S love letters

You listen to so much more than I can say.
You hear consciousness.
You go with me where the words I say can’t carry you.

I want to be just like a blade of grass, that moves as the air
moves it -to talk just according to the impulse of the moment.
And I do.

His love is as restful as Nature itself. He has no standard
for you to conform to, no choice about you, but is simply
with your reality, just as Nature is. You are real, so is he:
the two realities love each other - voila !

The Beauty of Death XIV

Part One - The Spirits Calling
Let me sleep, for my soul is intoxicated with love and
Let me rest, for my spirit has had its bounty of days and nights;
Light the candles and burn the incense around my bed, and
Scatter leaves of jasmine and roses over my body;
Embalm my hair with frankincense and sprinkle my feet with perfume,
And read what the hand of Death has written on my forehead.

Let me rest in the arms of Slumber, for my open eyes are tired;
Let the silver-stringed lyre quiver and soothe my spirit;
Weave from the harp and lute a veil around my withering heart.

Sing of the past as you behold the dawn of hope in my eyes, for
It's magic meaning is a soft bed upon which my heart rests.

Dry your tears, my friends, and raise your heads as the flowers
Raise their crowns to greet the dawn.
Look at the bride of Death standing like a column of light
Between my bed and the infinite;
Hold your breath and listen with me to the beckoning rustle of
Her white wings.

Come close and bid me farewell; touch my eyes with smiling lips.
Let the children grasp my hands with soft and rosy fingers;
Let the ages place their veined hands upon my head and bless me;
Let the virgins come close and see the shadow of God in my eyes,
And hear the echo of His will racing with my breath.

Part Two - The Ascending

I have passed a mountain peak and my soul is soaring in the
Firmament of complete and unbound freedom;
I am far, far away, my companions, and the clouds are
Hiding the hills from my eyes.
The valleys are becoming flooded with an ocean of silence, and the
Hands of oblivion are engulfing the roads and the houses;
The prairies and fields are disappearing behind a white specter
That looks like the spring cloud, yellow as the candlelight
And red as the twilight.

The songs of the waves and the hymns of the streams
Are scattered, and the voices of the throngs reduced to silence;
And I can hear naught but the music of Eternity
In exact harmony with the spirit's desires.
I am cloaked in full whiteness;
I am in comfort; I am in peace.

Part Three - The Remains

Unwrap me from this white linen shroud and clothe me
With leaves of jasmine and lilies;
Take my body from the ivory casket and let it rest
Upon pillows of orange blossoms.
Lament me not, but sing songs of youth and joy;
Shed not tears upon me, but sing of harvest and the winepress;
Utter no sigh of agony, but draw upon my face with your
Finger the symbol of Love and Joy.
Disturb not the air's tranquility with chanting and requiems,
But let your hearts sing with me the song of Eternal Life;
Mourn me not with apparel of black,
But dress in color and rejoice with me;
Talk not of my departure with sighs in your hearts; close
Your eyes and you will see me with you forevermore.

Place me upon clusters of leaves and
Carry my upon your friendly shoulders and
Walk slowly to the deserted forest.
Take me not to the crowded burying ground lest my slumber
Be disrupted by the rattling of bones and skulls.
Carry me to the cypress woods and dig my grave where violets
And poppies grow not in the other's shadow;
Let my grave be deep so that the flood will not
Carry my bones to the open valley;
Let my grace be wide, so that the twilight shadows
Will come and sit by me.

Take from me all earthly raiment and place me deep in my
Mother Earth; and place me with care upon my mother's breast.
Cover me with soft earth, and let each handful be mixed
With seeds of jasmine, lilies and myrtle; and when they
Grow above me, and thrive on my body's element they will
Breathe the fragrance of my heart into space;
And reveal even to the sun the secret of my peace;
And sail with the breeze and comfort the wayfarer.

Leave me then, friends - leave me and depart on mute feet,
As the silence walks in the deserted valley;
Leave me to God and disperse yourselves slowly, as the almond
And apple blossoms disperse under the vibration of Nisan's breeze.
Go back to the joy of your dwellings and you will find there
That which Death cannot remove from you and me.
Leave with place, for what you see here is far away in meaning
From the earthly world. Leave me.

~ Khalil Gibran

Attitude toward Death

 Live your life that the fear of death
can never enter your heart.
Trouble no one about his religion.
Respect others in their views
and demand that they respect yours.
Love your life, perfect your life,
beautify all things in your life.
Seek to make your life long
and of service to your people.
Prepare a noble death song for the day
when you go over the great divide.
Always give a word or sign of salute when meeting
or passing a friend, or even a stranger, if in a lonely place.
Show respect to all people, but grovel to none.
When you rise in the morning, give thanks for the light,
for your life, for your strength.
Give thanks for your food and for the joy of living.
If you see no reason to give thanks,
the fault lies in yourself.
Touch not the poisonous firewater that makes wise ones turn to fools
and robs the spirit of its vision.
When your time comes to die, be not like those
whose hearts are filled with fear of death,
so that when their time comes they weep and pray
for a little more time to live their lives over again
in a different way.
Sing your death song, and die like a hero going home.


Friends, don’t be discouraged.
Compassion comes after trouble.
Don’t put on any dress but Love
Don’t cover yourself with any garment but Love