Saturday, May 25, 2013

Teardrops On the Feet of Strangers

My heart played notes 
inside the margins of time 
in repeated sighs 
while the world kept rhythm
on my self-esteem
with the feet of strangers.
Still, last night
I wrote lines about life and love
that whispered come dance with me,
kiss away........
my jaded words of anger.

I raised my glass to life
then ran
from the very air I once breathed in
and called a masterpiece,
because each breath I took in
made me stand tall.
Until, I found I had been feasting
on teardrops telling me
I had gone astray
each time.......
they'd start to fall.

You were there all along
singing I love you
underneath my skin
while each breath I took
cried out
inside the margins of time perfectly
and my heart played notes
until my teardrops dried
on the feet of strangers
on the heart of me.

© 2012 Neva Flores

Emotional Attachment by Lady Nik

Summer rolls off a calendar
Like rain dripping off an umbrella. 
No where to go
So it doesn't matter.
He takes his time
As he walks through fire
Trying to understand
His massive desire.
For the taste of red wine
That outlines her lips.
Bubbles form in his stomach
Like champagne after her kiss.
Midnight approaches
And it seems like an eternity
He misses her
And her sublime beauty.
Sleeping in romance
He gently waits
For another chance
To hold her grace.
With the scent of lilac
Filling his bedroom
He needs her back
Now is never too soon.
Once again he tries to dream
By replacing her voice
With the winds breeze
But it's not enough.
So far away
But so strong is her hold
Non-religiously he prays
That their love will stay bold.
Without her things are dark
Like a starless winter night
She's the beating inside his heart.
She's the source of his light.
In every way possible
She's his bad habit
Physically and mentally
But mostly through emotional attachment.

Heart's desire @by Chris Fok

If it were desire I feel, I would let it go. 

Because it has gotten me nothing
But the heartbreak and the lone walk home.
Its hard to place the right words about desire,
Because it never has room for you to describe it.

It wants you to walk in it
And feel it
And breathe it in,
Even though you can't have it.

Desire needs
A warm blanket and a hot chocolate,
Because it is the odd one out.
It is the presence once felt and is no longer
There. It will call your passions out silently into the air,
In the hopes that the object of your gaze will
Respond to these smoke signals of your heart.

Desire lacks
A heart of its own,
Because you've so readily given it away,
With or without your own permission.
It is morally bankrupt and hard to please.
It claws out your pitiful strengths and asks you to be
Strong in the face of it.

Desire is a home,
Where fantasies come true,
And there will only be
A family of one with you in it,
A life come alive by your presence,
A song sung;
A dance danced into your arms.
Let you hold me,
Cherish me,
Love me,
My desire.

Desire knows no outcomes but its own.
One strike
And you're down for the rest of it.
It's a gamble played by you,
The poorest player.
Because all you have is loose change
Into words you want to say
But can't in fear of what they might listen in
Those aches and spurn your neediness
And close all lives you might have had with them in one
Desire is unforgiving.

Desire calls to those who have none,
Not in awhile,
Not in a long time,
Not since you finished that tub of Ben & Jerry's.
Not since never
And just a touch could bring you to your knees.

Desire plays
No longer does want rhyme with reason
As desire collapses into its own gravity.
An ouroboros
Creeping round your neck;
Tinting your eyes to the subtle shades of wonder
As they past you by.

Desire believes itself
The world's best secret keeper.
But every look,
Betrays itself to the watchful eyes of the world,
And then it makes it's rounds.
Passing from mouth to ear to mouth to ear
Until the secret of desire is kept from itself.
We all know, shhh...

Lest we take desire for granted,
We would stand sizzling in the sun not knowing
The existence
Of ice-cream.

Desire lives in the in-between
Of love and lust,
Not yet real but ephemeral enough to exist.
It is the gasp of recognition;
Enlarging pupils;
The hesitant touch;
Jump tempo of the heart;
And the quick smile when they catch you

It is standing close enough so that you can smell them,
Consume parts you aren't allowed to touch
With your eyes dis-clothe them,
With your mind you own them.

Desire can't be bought,
Yet, it is given with a cost
And you pay in time
Yearning for their presence.

Seeing how rich and cheap thoughts are
In the first place.
If it is desire I feel,
I would give it up
For real love

Aquatic Lady

If you could be me
As you look through my eyes
What would you see
Below our natures skies

Arching in her waters
Curves of pure delight
Cascading dark hair hangs
Complexion fresh and bright

Followers of this beauty
Grace and fly her sky
Every time she surfaces
There is going to be goodbyes

When she swims, she swims
In undulation move
So natural like her beauty
Graceful and so smooth

So if you could be me
As you look through my eyes
My aquatic lady wows
This merman can only sigh

Soulmates©HW Hodgetts


These two strong arms that draw you near
Safe from the world and free from fear

Your gentle lips so soft and sweet
Send tingles from my head to feet

A kiss is stolen and you are mine
And I am yours we are lost in time

We gaze into each other's eyes
And see no secrets or hidden lies

There is no fighting this thing called fate
For a soul will never leave its mate

Forever together and never apart
For we know that we live in each other's heart

So take all that I have and all that I am
For without your love I am just a man


It's very hard this loneliness, 
I sometimes sit and cry
Are there no matches for my love,
will someone tell me why?

I've always seen the good in others
but I never felt true worth
And there were many times I cried,
for others on this earth

I have my friends and families love
but my need seems greater than this
I need to find my soulmate
for that intimate hug and kiss

I need to see those loving eyes
that see my soul laid bare
And find that place where dreams come true
and all we have we share

I felt like giving up today,
that life was just a joke
I was drowning in my own despair,
it was then the spirit spoke

'I saw you looking in the mirror
with sadness and rejection
You thought the years had not been kind,
but I could see perfection'

'You thought your life was meaningless,
and your climb would not set you free
Yet you've overcome all the obstacles
and the mountain you've climbed was to me'

Now gaze into the mirror and see past those eyes
to the place where most people hide
Hold your head high and let your love shine
and others will come to your side

Your soul mate is the same as you,
their worth they cannot see
Give some love back to yourself
and be all that you can be

Those who love do not take
and they will never leave
They always put your happiness first,
for in love they do believe

If you have heard what I have said
and know that it is true
Hide no more in that lonely place,
your soul mate waits for you



What is this thing that we call love
Was it placed in the heart from someone above?

Did it come with my soul when I entered this place
Is it shown with a smile or a tear on the face?

Or like a seed that we have to nurture through the years
We give it our warmth and water it with tears

And as the love grows we become dreamers and fools
For the ones who have no love and use different rules

But we carry on we have no choice
Unable to deny our inner voice

Some find wisdom and some build a wall
And some just give up and wait for the call

If we follow our path which is pure and is true
Someday you will find me and I will find you

With no more to be asked and our spirits set free
We will know love for it binds you and me

©HW Hodgetts 2006 All right reserved

To Dream Reality

As my eyes closed with visions of you
deep sleep took me away
to a dream I held within my mind so true

Our hands playfully touched
under a soft glow of moonlight
I snuggled into your warmth
as you held me to your body tight

I felt you breathe deeply
the scent of my hair
of your pleasure
your sigh was your way to share

With soft fingertips
you tilted my chin to rise
I saw such a sparkle of mischief
as I gazed into your adoring eyes

A playful look
that told me of so much more
that it was your desire
to have me lying with you upon a soft ground floor

Gently with such tender action
you laid me down while hands began of me to undress
such gentle movements I felt
my heated skin knew your loving caress

Lips searching to fill a hunger
that had consumed all day long
now come night
two lovers now able to hear passions song

Brought together by fate
here they lay enjoying of what their bodies can give
throughout this night
of what fuels like fire within shall live.

Why Do People Lie....? by Linus

Some people lie because they are afraid to admit their wrong... 
Some people lie because they don't feel good about themselves... 
Some people lie because they want to get something for nothing...
Some people lie because they don't want to take any blame...
Some people tell lies about others, because they want to make others look bad...
Some people lie because they are good in lying...
Some people lie because they have no respect for themselves....
Some people lie because they are not sure of themselves...
Some people tell lies because they want to fool others..

My Voice Dances Across the Page

Does my voice look at itself in the mirror
and see eyes lost in a desert
where butterflies
welcome one drop of rain,
or eyes that dance
inside a cup full of yesterdays
I cannot get back again?

Are there words my voice hears
that capture my heart
like music
and make me learn
my own path to walk,
existing inside of the joy
I find on a blank page
where my ink whispers to talk?

Could my voice be beautiful as a picture
painted inside a quiet heart
reaching out to be heard
time and time again
as if it walks seeking peace
inside of my every single word?

My voice looks at itself in the mirror
and sees that time is precious
in these eyes daring to look back
the same,
it picks up my pen
like a long lost friend
who never forgets my name.

My voice is not lost in a desert
bound eternally
to seek out the rain
nor does it dance
inside a cup full of yesterday.
It sings across these blank pages
in the ink of my ways.


Love you no matter what.
Multiply joys and divide sorrows.
Nurture each other's souls.
Overcome adversity together.
Pick you up when you're down.
Quickly forgive and make up.
Remind you of you're greatness.
Smile when they think of you.
Thrive on shared trust.
Understand when to just listen.
Value time together.
Walk to you, side by side.
Expereince ups and downs.
Yearn to stayed connected.
Zest to live, love and laugh.


Mind has not to be rejected at all; if you reject it, it will remain. Rejection means repression. Anything rejected never leaves you; it simply moves from the conscious to the unconscious, from the lighted part of your being to the dark layers where you cannot face it. You become oblivious of it, but it is there, more alive than ever. It is better to face the enemy than to keep the enemy at your back; that is far more dangerous.
And I have not told you to reject the mind. Mind is a beautiful mechanism, one of the miracles of existence. We have not been able yet to make anything comparable to human mind. Even the most sophisticated computers are nothing compared to it. A single human mind can contain all the libraries of the world; its capacities are almost unbounded. But it is a machine, it is not you. To get identified with it is wrong, to make it your master is wrong, to be guided by it is wrong. But to be the master and the guide is perfectly right. The mind as a servant is of tremendous value, so don’t reject it. To reject it will impoverish you, it will not enrich you.
I am not AGAINST the mind; I am in favor of transcending it. And if you reject you cannot transcend. Use it as a stepping-stone. It all depends on you: you can make it a hindrance if you start thinking that the mind has to be rejected, denied, destroyed; or you can make it a stepping-stone if you accept it, if you try to understand it. In the very effort of understanding it, transcendence happens. You go beyond it, you become a witness.
And, Shahido, a second thing…. You say, “I am clinging to awareness.”
That is bound to happen. If you reject mind you will start clinging to awareness. And clinging is nothing but mind functioning from the back door. Clinging is a process of mind. But that is bound to happen to people who reject, repress.
The question is of transformation. The mind has to be used rightly; then there will be no clinging to awareness. Otherwise, afraid of the mind, that it may come back, you will cling to awareness – and in clinging it has already come back, it is already there. Clinging is mind; nonclinging is intrinsic to awareness. You cannot cling to awareness; if you cling, it is just a mind phenomenon. Your awareness too is just a pseudo thing created by the mind because you were asking too much for it. It is false, utterly false; if you have to cling to it, it is false.
Real awareness remains with you; you need not cling to it. Who will cling to it? You ARE awareness. Who will cling to whom? In awareness there are not two — the clinger and the object of clinging; in awareness you are one. There is only awareness and nothing else. One cannot cling to awareness. But it is bound to happen if you reject the mind; the very first step has gone wrong. Don’t reject it — understand it.
And in fact, the word ‘understand’ is very significant. When you understand something it stands under you. You become transcendental, you go beyond it; it is below you. It has its utility; great utility. There will be no science without mind and there will be no technology without mind. All human comforts will disappear without human mind. Man will fall back into the world of the animals or even far below without the mind. Mind has given much.
The problem is not the mind; the problem is your identification with it. You think you are it, that is the problem. Disidentify. Watch the mind, and you BE the watcher and let the mind be there watched, witnessed, observed. And a great radical change happens through observation. Mind functions far more efficiently when you observe it because all that is rubbish drops and mind need not carry unnecessary weight; it becomes light. And when you become a watcher, mind can have some rest too. Otherwise your whole life mind is working, working, day in, day out, year in, year out; it stops only when you die. It creates a deep fatigue, mental fatigue.
Now scientists say even metals become tired — metal fatigue. So what to say about the mind which is very subtle, which is very delicate? Handle it carefully. But YOU remain aloof, unconcerned, uninvolved. When you are writing you don’t become the fountain pen, although you cannot write without it. A good fountain pen is very essential for good writing. If you start writing with your fingers nobody will be able to read what you have written, not even you, and it will be very primitive. But you are not the fountain pen, and the fountain pen is not the writer but only a writing instrument.
The mind is not the master but only an instrument in the hands of the master. Shahido, be more alert, aware, but don’t cling to it. Clinging will destroy the whole beauty of it. Why cling? What is the fear? We cling only out of fear. You ARE awareness, you cannot lose it. Even now, when you are unaware of the fact that you are awareness, you have not lost it.
Truth cannot be lost. Whether you know it or you know not, it makes no difference. The truth remains the truth, known or unknown. Your innermost being is still pure awareness. You live on the circumference, hence you are not able to see your own center.
Sannyas means exploring your interiority, moving towards the center. That’s what meditation is all about. When you become centered, suddenly there is great freedom because you know you are not the mind and you are not the body. That does not mean that you start rejecting the body or the mind. You respect the body, you respect the mind. You love the body more so, more than ever. It is a beautiful house. It is your home and you have to live in it seventy, eighty, ninety years. And it is serving you so beautifully; its service is of great value. You respect it, you befriend it, you take care of it. But still you know: “I am neither the body nor the mind. I am consciousness.”
And then there is no question of clinging. Knowing that “I am consciousness,” you become part of God. Then there is no birth for you, no death for you. Then you ARE part of eternity, and to be part of eternity is to be blissful. When you know you cannot die, all fear disappears and the energy involved in fear is released as love. When you know you are part of the whole there is no anxiety left, no anguish possible, and the energy involved in anxiety, in anguish, is released. You become compassion, love, joy; it starts overflowing you. You are not only a blessing to yourself, you become a blessing to everybody else; you become a blessing to existence itself.