Thursday, May 16, 2013

Love web

You have been my friend. That in itself is a tremendous thing. I wove my webs for you because I liked you. After all, what's a life, anyway? We're born, we live a little while, we die. A spider's life can't help being something of a mess, with all this trapping and eating flies. By helping you, petrhaps I was trying to lift up my life a trifle. Heaven knows anyone's life can stand a little of that....
~ unknown

I Thank You

Often I tell you how deeply I love you,
though I don’t tell you often enough
how thankful I am for you

I thank you for your love,
your friendship, your kindness

I thank you for making me smile,
for being there when I need someone

I thank you for your support,
your strength; for all you give to me

I thank you for the laughter,
the memories, the quiet times together,
the heart to heart talks

I thank you for making each day special,
if not more special than the day before

I thank you for every moment,
every second that you’ve been a part of my life

I thank you . sharing yourself with me
I thank you for loving and giving unconditionally

And if  wake to find,
there will be no more days with you
I’ll thank you for all you’ve left behind,
that will help to carry me through.

I thank you for yesterday,
today and tomorrow.
I love you without end;
Your the love of my life
and a special friend.

So Much To Me by Jenny

Another day is passing
And still there is no word
On how your life is going
And who is in your world

I pray you will consider
These words I write to you
I liked you in my life
Yet maybe now it's through

I don't want to see
our relationship come to an end
And I don't want to find
our lives standing still

We are moving towards the end
And we really ought to wait
Because God planted something special
Deep within our hearts

I know your life is hectic
You are busy all day through
My life is busy also
But I still think of you

I want to send my love
And remind you of these things
Just so you will know
You mean so much to me

Arched Across The Sky by Hope

Rainbows created my imagination
As it arched across the sky
On one end there sat you
At the other end, there sat I

Imagining I could slide across
Over the rainbow to the end
There would be my pot of gold
The sweet love of my dear friend

The rainbow is a connection
Like a bridge from me to you
It appears joined by sunlight
Then the grey skies turn to blue

Arriving after the rainstorms
It became so evident to me
Thoughts of love follow rainbows
They arched right across the sea

A colourful arching rainbow
It has no gate, it has no door
It reaches from friend to friend
It arches from shore to shore

I smiled up today at the sky
How far would my loving smile go
It slid right over to the other side
The other end of the coloured rainbow
9:43pm, 10 May - Riju Sharma: Losing A Piece Of My Soul
by Jasmine Johnston
I came to you the hour I was in pain
Looking for answers, I cried to you in vain.

I shared the many skeletons hiding in my heart,
I knew then you'd be my friend,
I knew it from the start.

Troubles ran like rivers, flowing through my life,
You picked the pieces up and help me through my strife.

When home wasn't home to me no more,
You opened up your heart, and opened up the door.

We cried into night until the early morn.
We solaced each other's pain and shared our many thorns.

As time flew, the air grew thick,
I saw our friendship fading, and my heart grew sick.

The day had arrived,
When it was time to say goodbye.

Now I sit alone,
reminiscing the past I'd blown.

Two Souls, One Voice by Paulus

Although two souls are meeting
there is but one voice
capturing the moment
captivating and controlling
the thoughts, actions, words
leading the way for conscious
desire and decisive emotion

stories and daily goings- on
are frequently passed
between the one voice
and the intermixed beings
creating a warm happiness
a sense of belonging
an aura of completeness
a comfortable existence

time, a distant memory
fading in and fading out,
its power and autonomy fall
on blissfully ignorant,
yet distinctly aware,
ears - focused and true

with the quantity
of well spent hours
adding up and summarizing
the feelings and beliefs
shared and opposed,
comes an ability
to confide and uphold
moments, eternities
abundant with understanding.

Moment in Time by Cynthia Kepp

We talked, 
We walked,
for a Moment in Time.

You passed through my life that day and left your mark.
You may never pass my way again,
Or you may stay for a lifetime.

No matter what,
I want to say thank you for the impression you made 
that will stay with me for eternity.

I enjoyed the walk, 
I enjoyed the talk.
I am blessed for that moment in time.

The first time I saw you I knew you would affect my life, 
though your role I did not know.
I asked myself, "Why is he alone? 
Why does he sit so quiet, all alone? 
Is he sad?
Is he glad to be alone? 
Is he alone? 
Is he lonely? "
There is so much I want to know.

I asked myself, "Why him? 
When so many people pass through my life each day,
why him? "

What attracts me to you? 
What makes me want to know more? 
I want to know.

Even if my questions are never answered, 
There is one thing I want you to know.
I have been blessed by the effect you had on me in that
Moment in Time.

You by Peter Finlayson

When you are sad, and you feel you can't go on. Tears well in your eyes and the pain is so strong. So far from your friends, and you're all on your own. No-one to run to, So very alone. When all seems so useless, and you can't take anymore. As you put on your coat, and head for the door. Remember....... I was there once, lost, all alone You can cry in my ear, Just pick up the phone. When you are lonely and feeling so blue Someone is thinking ...thinking of you

For My Bestest Friend by Tanyo

Friendship is something to hold on to
But for me that's not the case
Cause I don't feel I need to keep
Something that can't be erased

I am sure of what I have
Cause with you I have no doubt
For what we've built, can't ever fail
It's what I care about

I find it hard to describe
This thing that we share
Especially when there's nothing else
That ever could compare

Others always know
That together we will be
For there can never be another
"Tani and Kerrie"

Those two words, known all over
Might as well be one
Cause without a Kerrie, there is no Tani
I'm sorry, it just can't be done

For you're the "U", and I'm the "S"
And forever that will be
Cause together we make "US", and so

I Will Be Here by Nicole George

Whenever you're sad,
or feeling blue,
Just call on me.
I'll be here for you.

Whenever you're happy,
or feeling sad,
Just call on me.
You are going to be glad that you had.

'Cause I'm gonna be there
with open arms.
I'm going to be there
to bear your arms.

I may be young,
or tiny like a bug,
but when you're sad
I swear to God,
I give the biggest hugs.

So when you're lonely
or just plain blue,
Just think of me,
or this poem,
And I'll come to you.