Thursday, May 16, 2013

I Thank You

Often I tell you how deeply I love you,
though I don’t tell you often enough
how thankful I am for you

I thank you for your love,
your friendship, your kindness

I thank you for making me smile,
for being there when I need someone

I thank you for your support,
your strength; for all you give to me

I thank you for the laughter,
the memories, the quiet times together,
the heart to heart talks

I thank you for making each day special,
if not more special than the day before

I thank you for every moment,
every second that you’ve been a part of my life

I thank you . sharing yourself with me
I thank you for loving and giving unconditionally

And if  wake to find,
there will be no more days with you
I’ll thank you for all you’ve left behind,
that will help to carry me through.

I thank you for yesterday,
today and tomorrow.
I love you without end;
Your the love of my life
and a special friend.

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