Saturday, May 25, 2013

To Dream Reality

As my eyes closed with visions of you
deep sleep took me away
to a dream I held within my mind so true

Our hands playfully touched
under a soft glow of moonlight
I snuggled into your warmth
as you held me to your body tight

I felt you breathe deeply
the scent of my hair
of your pleasure
your sigh was your way to share

With soft fingertips
you tilted my chin to rise
I saw such a sparkle of mischief
as I gazed into your adoring eyes

A playful look
that told me of so much more
that it was your desire
to have me lying with you upon a soft ground floor

Gently with such tender action
you laid me down while hands began of me to undress
such gentle movements I felt
my heated skin knew your loving caress

Lips searching to fill a hunger
that had consumed all day long
now come night
two lovers now able to hear passions song

Brought together by fate
here they lay enjoying of what their bodies can give
throughout this night
of what fuels like fire within shall live.

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