Thursday, May 23, 2013

Look Back to See How Far You Have Come
~ by Betsy Chasse

Life is an adventure, a journey through many valleys with many mountains to climb. You're going to get tired, you're going to be hungry, you're going to feel lost. Some nights will be cold and filled with scary things. Some days will be long, hot and without comfort.

Take the time, even when it's hard, especially when you don't feel like it, to stop and look back to see how far you have come. Look at your life in awe for what you have accomplished and know that you have the ability, the grace and the wisdom to continue moving forward. In between those tough times your life has been filled with love, joy, laughter and bliss.

When times are hard, close your eyes and choose a magical moment that filled your heart with joy, then remember that have you have overcome so many obstacles already and know it is within you to do it again.

Believe in yourself, trust yourself and know you are never alone because we are all connected. You are only a thought away from love. Forgive yourself, accept who you are and accept your brilliance. Remember that challenges are opportunities to show yourself what you have within you. And believe me, you have it in you.

Most importantly, laugh. Laugh because you know this too shall pass. Laugh because in laughter you will find the wisdom to know what to do, because you will banish the monster of fear to a far off place leaving you with an open heart.

An open heart is a heart that is awakened to a higher potential. Your higher potential.

Breathe and be patient. Sit still and quiet your mind. It is when you create silence that you will see the beliefs and programming that have been holding you hostage. Ask yourself, "Are they serving me?"

Now let go of what is not. When you let go of your old beliefs and programming about what you think you know, suddenly new ideas, new dreams can come to you. Make the space for these dreams - they are within you, just waiting for you to open the door of your soul and welcome them in. You can do it - I believe in you.

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