Tuesday, May 21, 2013


The blind artist before his canvas stands, brush he has in hand
With description from my minds eye, the artist now began

T he first thought of my morning, when I awake from sleep
Laying in his loving arms , I never want to leave

Smile on his lips, our eyes meet, as we greet the morn
Loving and gentle is the kiss, I always feel the warmth

Viewing the canvas, I was so surprised
The artist had painted, a beautiful sunrise

I thanked the artist , saying I was pleased
Then asked, might we try another please

New canvas now in front of artist once again we began
Describing my love differently, thinking of the man

The sounds of laughter fill my day, whenever he’s around
Love of nature, appreciated, every creature, every sound

The walks we take together, holding each others hand
Everyday, the love inside of me, grows deeper for the man

I looked at the canvas, still no portrait there
A meadow with a brook, birds flying in the air

Please sir, would you paint another, so glad when he agreed
Wondering from this description what would the artist see

The quiet of the evening, when the day comes to an end
We become lovers, yet he remains my friend

The light from the moon, shines across his face
Filled with so much love, my heart begins to race

Should have not been surprised , when on the canvas I did see
The sun setting in the evening, over the vastness of the sea

Perhaps just one more picture, I beg of you to paint
This will be the last one, all of them are great

He’s everything, my morning , day and night,
You dear artist, on canvas have captured my love right

I loved him for so long now, endless seems the time
I never want another , all I need in him I find

I viewed the canvas, couldn't believe what I did see
A smaller heart inside the bigger
My love inside him and his love inside me

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