Friday, May 24, 2013

Missing childhood !.... unknown

I wanna feel young again…
I wanna play in the rain to wash away all the pain to relive the innocence once again…
I just wanna be myself, to relive the innocence of childhood to hug to my mom every time I am scared…
I wanna feel young again,

I wanna fly the paper aeroplanes from roof of my house…
I wanna maneuver the paper boat in the rain water lanes…
I wanna run in the garden, catching butterflies…
I wanna fly my kite high in the sky…
For the life in 20′s something, nothing seems to be in my control,only a desperate feelings to take control of things all around me which seems to fall apart..
I wanna feel kid once again…

I wanna carelessly ride my bicycle knowing dad ‘s always there to lift me up when I fall…
I wanna jump around doing nothing all the day…

As I know, just can’t do it anymore,

I just wanna return to the childhood innocence once again to feel the bliss of being a care-free naughty kid !

I wanna return to that life where all the small things created excitement. Eating from tiffin boxes of friends, getting new compass box, taking something interesting to class everyday like pencil, stickers, toy, magnet, a new key chain etc. I just wanna pretend crying for no reason at all & mom consoling me for hours taking me in her lap. I just wanna live life once again…

- Unknown

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