Monday, May 20, 2013

You are not your past, you are your experiences – and you can always start right here, right now to build up a better you if you are not happy with your own reflection. Always listen to your inner voice, it's there all the time waiting for your attention. You know what’s right.
Listen to your Heart. Your Intuition. They are your Power Guides.
When you have faith and the courage to be yourself - you find your inner strength ignite.
You are Always surrounded by Light - even when you feel you are in Darkness. But there is a Light inside you that can illuminate your World, and melt away all the fear, sadness, bitterness and anxiety.
Let your Past go. Look towards the Hope and the Future.
Don't let anyone pull you, drain you or put you down....
Have Faith to begin .. to learn, to embrace change and to step out of your Comfort Zone ...
Your Life awaits, Love awaits, Hope awaits - The whole Universe awaits. Just Believe. Trust. KNOW.
Step into your Light - where you BELONG.
And let your Soul begin to shine .....

Back Towards Light

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