Friday, May 17, 2013

Friendship - The bond of a Relationship By Manish Lamichhane

We human beings are born alone and we die alone. In between, we make many kinds of relationships, like mother, father, sister, brother, girlfriend, wife and son and daughter and so on. But all these relationships are based on"friendship. When we are children, you surely make your mom a friend, and ypur brother, sister and then others. I am" trying" to" prove that if""you" cannot" make" friendship with" your family" then" you" cannot make a good friend in society. When" you" grow up from childhood, then" your" sis" and bro are" your friend. If you" need" a best" friend," then" you" can" find" it" in" your home.
Most of" our time is spent absorbed in feeling and thoughts we can never fully share. There"is someone who can fe
el your pain, who can smile on your happiness, who can help without expectation, who advises without scolding, who encourages you to take one more step. It certainly is the friendship.
A friend is a person we share common values with and who accept us for what we are. You don`t need to be shy to share anything with him/her. When you speak, you don`t need to think. You just speak what you have to and listen to their opinion. If you trust someone more then yourself, it`s certainly your friend.
Friend guides you when you lose your way. He catches your hand and finds you the right way. When you" are confused," then" just" go to" your friend" and ask" what" you" should do. I am sure he will show you the right way. Friendship is"a"bond of power... when you are sad visit this friend and they"will release your pain.

We have one whom we trust to refine our understanding of"what it means to live? They are" your friend who lets" you" speak" and" hear," and advises" you on your thoughts. They think about your thoughts. If they pray for yours success and want yours progress then it is your friend.
Some people in world have friends, but haven`t recognized them. They are a lot of those people I have seen that family are there best friend. If" you" don`t know your best" friend," then" please search"for him or her" and" release" your tired life.

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