Friday, May 17, 2013

fear ....Written by Paul Smit

Fear leads you to anything but the truth, so if you look at the fear, know that you will attract more to fear. You want to look at the truth, and even if you do not know what the truth is, you may use the Law of Attraction to assist you. Remember that you attract what you FEEL, so it is important to feel positive emotion so that you attract what you desire into your life and not what you want to avoid.

If you look at the amount of time you spend in negative emotion and realize that you attract from that perspective, you will see that you are your own worst enemy.

To change the flow and direction in your life, write down and feel the words in the sentences below, and WE say feel because you know now that it is the feeling that attracts:

“I look for the truths regarding my position and self; my intention is to find solutions to my problems one by one, and before I do that I understand that I need to see the truth regarding each and every problem I feel I now face.”

“I go about my days looking for the inspiration to find these truths. I want to deal with each issue one at a time.”

“I have positive emotion about this because I know that I attract to me the things I feel and on which I place my attention. In this way I am able to evolve, to become all I want to become.”

“I am more mindful of my feelings and have a desire to attract from a place of positive expectation.”

Your focus on these statements needs to be frequent because you want to move from where you are to where you would rather be.


Written by Paul Smit
© 2012 All Rights Reserved
The Hive Publications, ONE Legacy Works, Inc.

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