Friday, May 10, 2013

Your Touch Katie Hensley

Soft breezes flow through my hair.
A soft touch, lets me know your there.
Warm breath on my exposed skin,
unleashes a whirlwind of feelings within.

Looking out into the open skies,
you wrap your arms around me and take me by surprise.
You whisk me around into your loving embrace,
wrap your hands around my neck and gently kiss my face.

Slide your hand down to my breast,
loving touch, sensual caress.
Soon after your lips follow suit,
to taste the nectar of my tender fruit.

Beads of sweat glisten on your brow,
your muscles tighten as you begin to lay me down.
I feel your pleasure with every hungry thrust.
Gently sliding in and out,
damn!! I'm about to bust!!

Smiling about our fast beating hearts,
we get get dressed and walk back to the car.
A night of passion on Top O' The World,
You brought the woman out of this little girl.

No matter what we talk about, we're talking about ourselves.The words you use , the advice you give , and the topics you select are all messages that are meant for you as well.The words you use are clues to your state of mind.When you understand and appreciate that you're an expression of the perfection of the universe,you become speechless with unconditional love.YOU OFTEN SAY OUT LOUD WHAT YOU NEED TO HEAR MOST SOFTLY IN YOUR HEART

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