Monday, July 22, 2013


Heartbreak is frequently the end product of an unfulfilled desire or craving, the outcome of unrealistic expectations, where another person or some material pursuit is worshipped or idolised. It can also be the result of an inability to forgive and let go of those who have sinned against us."Keep and guard your heart with all vigilance and above all that you guard (your heart), for out of it flows the springs of life." (Proverbs 4:23).Varying degrees of damage to the human spirit can be incurred. For a small minority of the wounded the damage is only slight; they are able to get on with their lives with the hurt causing only a minimum of irritation or inconvenience. Many more of the wounded are more affected and limp through life. They survive a relatively normal life but fail to realise their full potential in their friendships, in their marriages or in their day to day relationships with others. Then there are those with extreme or severe damage to their spirit. These people are greatly incapacitated; dysfunctional with all manner of emotional, psychological, physical and social disabilities. These people are forced to crawl or need to be carried through life.
"My heart is broken within me" 

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