Monday, July 22, 2013

The Secret That Guarantees a Passionate Life ~ BY JANET BRAY ATTWOOD

“Whenever you are faced with a choice a decision or an opportunity, choose in favor of your passions.”

But there is a stumbling block many people trip over on their way to creating the life of their dreams: Their own thoughts.

“What you see you become” is a quote from a Vedic text from ancient India. It doesn’t mean when you see a donkey you become a donkey.

It means that what you perceive is filtered through the thoughts you have about that thing. Your thoughts, your beliefs, the concepts and ideas you hold about your life and what is experienced in that life are what determine how you experience life.

You see your life can be filled with miracles—if you believe it can. Your life can also be a tragedy, if that’s what you believe it is.

The way to create miracles in your life is strengthen your belief that miracles are possible. Find the evidence. Your mind is a wonderful machine. If you give it enough evidence that something is possible, it will become possible for you.

So, let’s give you some evidence, in the story below, of the possibility of miracles when you learn to choose in favor of your passions, the things that matter most to you (by the way, if you don’t know what your passions are, start by taking our Passion Profile Self-Assessment at www.thepassiontestprofile.comit’s a simple way to see if you are living a passionate life).

I had spoken at one of Jack Canfield’s seminars for his advanced students and was on our way home via the Los Angeles airport. I dropped off our rental car and took the shuttle to the airport.

As the shuttle pulled away from the curb after letting us off, Chris suddenly realized he was missing one of his bags with all his clothes in it. Unable to catch the shuttle, he spent the next 40 minutes calling the rental car company, stopping every shuttle from the rental car company that came by and doing everything he could think of to get his suitcase back.

Finally, the time came when he either had to get on the plane or stay and wait for his suitcase. It was time to either “fish or cut bait” when it came to following his passions.

So, Chris asked himself, “Does staying in L.A. and waiting for my suitcase help me be more aligned with my passions, or will it take me farther away from living my passions?”

One of Chris’ passions is having fun with everything he does. He had a teleconference to lead that evening. If he stayed in L.A. he would not only have to look for his suitcase but find someplace where he could set up his computer and conduct that teleconference. It didn’t sound like much fun to him.

Another of his top passions is living a life of abundance on every level. When he thought about which made him feel more abundant, waiting around the L.A. airport and searching for someplace to do his teleconference, or having a leisurely trip home without worrying about his suitcase, the choice was clear.

As he came up to the gate to get on the airplane, I was overjoyed. “I knew you would find your suitcase!” I exclaimed. “I didn’t,” Chris replied, and then we both started laughing.

We had a fun trip home and Chris lead a great teleconference that night. The next day, the airline called saying, “The police dropped off a suitcase here with your name on it. What would you like us to do with it?”

“Could you put it on a plane to San Francisco for me?” Chris asked. After checking, the agent came back on the line and said, “No problem.” A few hours later Chris had his suitcase.

Now, this certainly doesn’t count as a major miracle, but it’s a wonderful small one. And this story illustrates several points that are key about living a passionate life and creating the kind of life you really choose to live:

Your Thoughts Determine Your Happiness

Chris believed that it was more important to have fun and feel abundant than to worry about his suitcase. As a result, he had fun and he felt abundant. As an added bonus (and this is common when you follow your passions), he got his suitcase back as well without effort or strain.

Take a Leap of Faith

Your beliefs and thoughts affect how you experience anything in your life (“what you see you become”), but you can never know what specific outcomes will occur. This is why following your passion is so important. No matter what the result, you will have enjoyed the process. Chris had no idea whether he would ever see his suitcase again when he made his decision to go home.

Stay Open and Live A Passionate Life

Because you can’t know the outcome, staying open to what is appearing is absolutely essential. When you are open then you are ready to welcome the unexpected gifts that will show up in your life.

Be Courageous, Follow Your Passions

Because you have to make the decision to follow your passion when you don’t know what the outcome will be, you have to make a leap of faith. When Chris decided to leave his suitcase behind to follow his passions, he had to be prepared to never see that suitcase again.

In The Passion Test, you’ll read the story of my passion to go to India and interview the enlightened, and how I gave it all up to be with my dying stepmother. I made that decision with the knowledge that I might never be able to fulfill my passion to do those interviews. Of course, as it turned out, it was being with my stepmother that was key to me being able to follow that passion.

Don’t fall for the myth that the world is an “objective” reality that you can’t change. This is an illusion that leads to feeling like a victim. And guess what, if you believe you are a victim of your circumstances, you will be.

Funny how that works….

Change your beliefs about what you experience and you will change your life. You are powerful. It’s now up to you to claim your power

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