Monday, July 22, 2013

The Power of Intention ~ BY JANET BRAY ATTWOOD

Every single manmade creation you can see was once just an idea in someone’s mind – an idea that became a reality . If you want to create the life of your dreams, it begins by writing your dreams down and becoming as clear as possible about them.

The power of intention and attention is what brings ideas into concrete form. When you have intention and attention with no tension, then the whole process becomes fun.

Your Intentions Should Match Your Passion

For most people, creations are unconscious, and so they view themselves as the victims of their situations and circumstances.

However, successful people know the secret—they create their reality from what they put their intention on.

Some people state intentions and then are perplexed when the results in their life don’t match their stated intentions. Why would this happen?

Here is a secret that could be worth a lifetime of fulfillment to you, so pay close attention:

Your results will always match your true intentions.

Your life will always express what is going on deep inside you. Therefore, if your results are out of line with your stated intentions, it’s time to do some self-examination.

Where Do Your True Intentions Lie?

Some years ago we partnered with some friends to create a business. Together we stated our intention to generate $10 million in revenues and over $2 million in profits the first year. A year later we were $100,000 in debt after generating $1 million in revenues.

We stated our intentions clearly, we made a detailed plan, we executed the plan, and we worked our tails off. What went wrong?

Later when we looked back over that time, we realized that our real intention was to make our partners happy by agreeing to what they wanted. There were many times when we felt something should be done differently, but because we believed they were more experienced in that arena, we decided it wasn’t our place to change the way things were done.

In the short term, we did make them happy. We did things they liked, but in the end all of us were disappointed in the results.

Your results will always match your true intentions.

This means that if you want to know what is going on at the deepest level of your life and where your passion lies, look to your results. When your results are out of line with your stated intentions, look more deeply to discover your real intentions. Then work on realigning your real intentions to change your results, and the way you experience life.

When your actions are aligned with your intentions you will create your world out of those intentions.

If you or someone you know has experienced a similar enlightening experience I encourage you to leave a comment and share your eye-opening moment.

Discover Your True Calling, and Begin Living The Life You Were Destined For

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