Monday, July 22, 2013

some words some thoughts

I want to run with reckless emotion,
find out if love is, the size of the ocean.
Even if I crash and burn,
at least I'll know what it's like to feel alive.

I may still not know what I want to be when I grow up,
but I do know that someday I want to live
in a house filled with my books and travel souvenirs.
And the walls that aren't covered in bookshelves
will be covered with photos of my family and friends.
When I leave the house I will be going to a job I love,
and I'll return to a person I love.
So, that's my dream I'm working on.

-Amber Morley


No one knows how
Or understand why
But even when we are on our own
We find strength to live another day

We go through good and bad
We are happy but more often sad
Feeling alive is the reason we wake up
Nothing feels worse than giving up

And nothing feels better
Than being alive
And life fills our minds
With so much goodness

I might not have known before
But to be alive is the best thing there is
And I want to thank all of you
Because you are the reason I know that now

And because of you I also know
Exactly what to do
To tell the world, to spread the word
Of the happy gospel of life

Words Not Spoken
© Beatrice Boyle
Although he could not say with words
The love he felt inside
He treasured every moment
And his heart would fill with pride
He never said I love you
But he came to every game
Even in defeat his son knew
He loved him just the same
He'd pat him on the head
Or maybe ruffle his hair
And tell him he was proud of him
As long as he played fair
When he graduated college
I love you wasn't said
He smiled as he shook his hand
Mumbling, well done, my boy instead
When his son went to war
He trembled as he spoke
And brushing away the tears
He made a little joke

Now, his son's come home
And he stands with eyes downcast
His hands stroking the coffin
Saying I love you son at last!

There are no rules
No checklists
No regulations
To love

So stop holding 
Yourself accountable

I did this and that….
The list goes on and on
Forever and ever
So forget the list

Just live life

It’ll come back
Love will return
Just don’t concern
Yourself with that fact
#poetry #spilled ink
8:53pm, 2 Jul - Riju Sharma: Love is Love

Who ever did say
We weren’t meant to be this way.
Who ever did decide
What’s right
Who ever did call
Love an abomination.
Who ever you are
You need your head checked.
We can be who we want.
We can love who we want.
No love is ever an abomination
Love is Love.
Nothing more
Nothing less.

- Sakshi J

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