Monday, July 22, 2013

Shielding Yourself from Negativity-

1- On your smart phones, download wisdom quotes and other personality enhancement applications from relevant app libraries / stores and read them often. Keep trying new applications every week.
2- 'Like' Facebook pages such as Positively Positive, Wisdom quotes, Positive thoughts etc to start receiving daily dose of wisdom.
3- Stay away from negative souls. They are consistently polluting your brain. Check if you are surrounded by such people who criticize things all the times. If yes, change your company.
4- If you notice that a discussion is going negative more and more, try changing the topic towards something exciting, healthy and fruitful.
5- If your family members are negative and you do not have a choice to leave them, then you must program yourself to deal with such consistent negative situation. For example, upon a disheartening comment from your brother  you can say "OK brother, you have a great point" Say it then laugh inside your heart and shun the comment immediately. This skill requires some practice but once properly implemented, will generate a powerful impact on your personality. 
6- Keep telling yourself that you can make things happen. Believe in yourself and you will see that your subconscious mind will find out a way to make things happen actually.

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