Sunday, May 12, 2013

Cheers from the crowd,.....

Cheers from the crowd,
Never made him proud
For music in minds chord
Played tunes that drowned.

Dancing to the rhythm of claps,
Soul standing all pain slaps.
Trying to rein tears that gallop,
Waiting to shower on a safe lap.

The painted smile seemed matching,
Eclipsing his hearts aching,
While the world stood watching,
The show with joy-hatching.

Playing the joker's part,
Need of life in all heart
For a smooth ride in life’s cart
Taking turns in path with art.

The joker's we are,
In past & in future.
The smile spreading pleasure,
Around the ring to treasure.

Let the world smile,
At the joker's style,
For he knew his miles,
So far,
Never reaching those miles…

--{Taken from readersdais...}

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