Sunday, May 12, 2013

Fragile of heart, longing to weep
I stare at the abyss, needing to sleep
Tatter and torn, my heart begs to bleed
Harden by your loss, I forbid to submit.

Wondering why it came to a sudden end
I thought we were lovers,
I thought we were best friends.

The seed of doubt, secrets and questionable behavior
Did nothing to salvage what was once in favor
Questions in abundance, answers in short supply,
made for a heartfelt, gut-wrenching goodbye.

Your love still haunts me like a ghost from the past
Wondering to myself why things never seem to last?
Betrayal so deep, it scars your heart and soul…
No explanations needed… that is what I was told.

Once we were lovers, once we were friends
Once we were in love, so I thought to myself.
No longer a part of my future,
my dreams, or long-term fate.
Just a distant memory of someone
I thought was my ideal soul mate.

So be gone from my heart, my mind and my thoughts
Time is all needed to heal and move forward
No time for regrets, remorse or self pity
Life goes on no matter

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