Sunday, May 12, 2013

Forlorn love

Voyage to death
Nearing my breath
Yet my love’s depth
For you sails all girth.

Past, disappearing phase
Not another face in race,
Glimpse of your face
Each second I face.

The face that whispers
My heart’s daily verses,
Oh! My queen of universe,
Why you shed those curses.

My heart’s birth to words
To see your smiling world,
Raising you to dream world,
Nesting us, the two birds.

Within the love woven nest,
Feeling your breath on my chest,
I see your smile at its best,
Dreaming, a life full of zest.

A dream that went falling,
Hearing your wings fluttering,
Away and far you were flying,
Leaving a lonely soul waiting.

Waiting Endless, drowning dreams,
Landing deep, to words that stream,
Streaming words, once your cream,
The cream you treasured, now my dream

The dream of words that fly,
Above them, standing high
I carve to prove, I’m no dry,
Thus – “The catcher in the rye”.

As people held me high,
I searched for your eye,
Never seeing your sigh,
I cuddled into my rye.

With the gift you discovered
Weaving a cocoon of words
Within them I stay buried
Words- my only love world.

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