Sunday, May 12, 2013

Feeling Unwanted Written by Ashley McGrain

As I walk down the path of forgotten memories, 
I start thinking of all the lame memories you gave me. 
All the times you picked on me,
Called me names,
Made me feel miserable.
Now it’s your turn to suffer.
Wait, you can’t suffer after I committee suicide.
It’s your fault that I need to committee suicide.
It’s your fault that I think that I’m not good enough for the world.
It’s your fault that I can’t fit in.
It’s your fault that I have an eating disorder because you called me fat.
All the times that I’ve put up with you
Had just flew out the door.
The god damn memories that you god damn people gave me
Let me down.
When I grab this knife,
Cut myself
And let myself bleed to death,
If I survive,
When my parents ask why?
I tell them that you did it.
You were the would that talked shit behind my back,
And made me so fucking miserable.
It was you who really murdered me.

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