Friday, May 31, 2013

foot prints


One night, a man had a dream.

He saw that he was walking along a beach, with God.

Across the sky flashed scenes from his life.

During each scene, he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand;

One belonged to him and the other one to God.

When the last scene of his life flashed before him,

He looked back at the footprints in the sand

And noticed that, many times along the path of his life,

There was only one set of footprints.

He also observed that this happened

During the lowest and saddest times in his life.

As that really bothered him,

He questioned God about it:

‘God, you said that once I decided to follow You,

You’d walk with me all the way.

But, I have noticed that

During the most troublesome times in my life,

There is only one set of footprints.

I don’t understand why, when I needed you most,

You would leave me.’

And God replied: ‘My dear and precious child,

I love you and I shall never leave you.

When during your times of trial and suffering,

You saw only one set of footprints,

It was because I carried you.’


The Power Of Being You

The Power Of Being You

Trust in the power of being you

And accept the responsibility for constantly striving 

To give of the highest and the best you are capable of,

For this way alone can we hope to become true to our real self.

Don’t be distracted by those you pass, as you walk

Up the spiritual mountain and

Who may wish to coax you down their road.

And don’t listen to the shouts of anyone ahead,

Who thinks they know the way.

As pioneers of the Aquarian Age it is essential

That we follow our inner guidance, for no-one may

Be required to walk where we are meant to go

Or live the visions we are here to seek.

Although in this we are alone.

With the blessings of God and the Angels

And the help of those who walk the path of this life with us,

Even if our hands, hearts and souls touch each other but occasionally,

Together we can experience a lifetime of glorious sunrises and sunsets.

The gift of our friendship will never be taken from us,

Wherever our road may take us

Even into the world of light and Eternity.

Love alone can give our friendships the wings to rise above

Our own selfish needs and lift us beyond the mundane

And the toils and troubles of the earthly plane.

Andy Murray

Edited by Aquarius

Need you in our world

Our World Needs You Now

More than you will ever know

Or presently can imagine.

Our world needs your gifts.

Your heart. Your compassion.

Your understanding.

Your ability to listen, speak, feel and act.

You have gifts that only you can give,

In the way that you and you alone can do.

The time for holding back is over.

The time for believing that you are not good enough,

not ready enough, not wise enough, has passed.

The time for fearing that you are too good,

too powerful, too magnificent, too intelligent,

no longer exists.

You have run out of excuses.

You have exhausted every reason why you cannot be

Exactly the one you were meant to be,

When you were first placed here.

Your usual distractions no longer distract.

Your strategies for staying small,

For resisting the call to awaken,

Are dead.

Our world needs you now.

More than you know.

In the great circle of life, a space has been held for you

Since before time began.

As you wandered, as you explored, your shoes were waiting,

Marking your place. No one else approached,

For your shoes can only be filled by you.

You agreed to step into them, when you were ready to take

Your rightful place on the circle.

And now, you are ready.

You are bored with your own self-absorption.

You choke and gag on your endless self-reflection and

Your belly is filled with an urgency to leave jobs

Behind and embrace your real work.

This is the precise moment that our world needs you.

You have uncovered and recovered and discovered enough.

Your authentic self can now see the light of day,

So that you can step into the shoes that have been

waiting for you, since before time began.

Every moment that you delay,

Widens the hole in the web of existence.

For you are an essential ingredient,

Without which Creation is incomplete.

Global harmony rests in the palm of your hand.

Planetary peace cannot be attained without

your heart, your mind, your spirit playing its part.

No one else has been assigned the job of picking

up the ball that is lying at your feet.

Our world needs you and our world needs you now.

More than you know.

More than you can ever imagine.

Rachel Snyder


It’s not the amount of money we have,

Or how many acres we own.

It’s not the mansion we live in

That spells success in our home.

It’s the little things we do each day,

The kind word that are spoken.

It’s helping those who are down and out,

And healing the hearts that are broken.

It’s doing any job as best we can.

It’s the loving and giving in life.

It’s the keeping our eye on higher things

And our chins up  in every strife.

So, if you’re the kind that wants to succeed,

Make sure you help souls in distress.

A life that is clean, a heart that is true,

Doing your best, at all times,

That’s true success!

Edited by Aquarius

Seed Silence

I did not hear you fall from pod to Mother Earth.

I did not hear you call or cry your humble birth.

I did not hear you sigh as silently you grew.

I did not hear a ‘Why?’ because God made you.

And yet your silence spoke of confidence and might

And purpose, as you broke through Earth into the light.

Harry Wiggett

The Sins Of Omission

It isn’t the things we do, my love,

It’s the things that are left undone,

That give us most of our heartache,

At the setting of the Sun.

The tender words forgotten;

The letters we didn’t write;

The flowers we did not send

Are our haunting ghosts at night.

The stones we could have lifted

Out of another’s way;

That bit of heart-felt counsel

We didn’t take time to say.

The loving touch of a hand,

The warm and gentle tone,

We neither had time nor thought for,

With troubles enough of our own.

Those little acts of kindness,

That so easily slip from one’s mind;

The chances to act like an Angel,

That we poor mortals find.

They come in night and silence,

Those sad, reproachful wraiths,

When hope is faint and flagging,

And a chill has fallen on faith.

This life is all too short, my love,

And Earth’s sorrows are too great,

To put up with a slow compassion

That tarries, until it’s too late.

That’s why isn’t the thing we do, my love,

But the ones we leave undone

That give us most of the heartache,

At the setting of the Sun.

In Times Of Trouble

When we have got into a tight spot,

And everything seems to go against us,

When it seems as though we could not hang on,

For another minute – we must not give up,

Because that is likely to be the time

When our tide is about to turn!

After: Harriet Beecher Stowe, 1811-1896

Sunshine and Rain

Sunshine And Rain

We wouldn’t enjoy the sunshine,

If we never had the rain.

We wouldn’t enjoy good health,

If we never had a pain.

If we never shed a teardrop

And always wore a smile,

We’d all get tired of laughing,

After we’d grinned for a while.

Everything is by comparison –

Both the bitter and the sweet,

And it takes a bit of both of them

To make our lives complete.

Helen Steiner Rice


Let It Be

When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me,

Speaking words of wisdom: ‘Let it be.’

And in my hour of darkness she is standing right in front of me

Speaking words of wisdom: ‘Let it be,

Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be’;

Whisper words of wisdom: ‘Let it be.

And when the broken hearted people living in the world agree,

There will be an answer, let it be.

For though they may be parted, there is still a chance that they will see

There will be an answer, let it be;

Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be;

There will be an answer, let it be …

Whisper words of wisdom, let it be;

Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be;

Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.

And when the night is cloudy, there is still a light that shines on me;

Shine until tomorrow, let it be.

I wake up to the sound of music, Mother Mary comforts me

Speaking words of wisdom: ‘Let it be …

There will be an answer, let it be;

Let it be, let it be, let it be, yeah, let it be.

Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.

And during times of trouble, her voice of wisdom comes to me:

‘Look for the lesson; be patient;

Let it be.’

~ Paul McCartney

Life is

Life Is Many Things

Life is a dream, make it a reality.

Life is an opportunity, take it.

Life is beauty, admire it.

Life is beatitude, taste it.

Life is a dream, make it a reality.

Life is a challenge, embrace it.

Life is riches, keep them.

Life is love, enjoy it.

Life is a mystery, discover it.

Life is a promise, keep it.

Life sometimes is sadness, overcome it.

Life is a hymn, sing it.

Life is a fight, accept it.

Life is an adventure, take the risk.

Life is happiness, merit it.

Life is life, defend it.

May life be a future of hope for you and your loved ones.

Mother Teresa of Calcutta


The house speaks to me,

As I bask in stillness and quiet thought.

In the whispering of memory

And the ticking of a clock,

I sense eternity in their stillness;

Capturing my attention

Within its restful calm.

Be still, my aching heart;

Gather time to be at one with your Highest Self,

With the Great and loving Spirit

And through it with all life.

Who would I be to resist change?

The ticking of the clock

Marks the moments that are passing.

Is it safe to allow my heart to speak?

If so, to whom shall I express my love?

From within comes the answer:

It is safe; do it carefully and caringly towards all life!

Be still, and listen to your inner voice;

Be kind, and allow yourself to love;

For only then are you true to your real Self.

Stand tall in what you know to be true.

Walk upright, hand in hand with God and the Angels,

Knowing that you are always safe.

Be still, my heart, for all passes in time,

And all rests safely in God’s loving hands.

Brian Forsythe