Friday, May 31, 2013

The Power Of Being You

The Power Of Being You

Trust in the power of being you

And accept the responsibility for constantly striving 

To give of the highest and the best you are capable of,

For this way alone can we hope to become true to our real self.

Don’t be distracted by those you pass, as you walk

Up the spiritual mountain and

Who may wish to coax you down their road.

And don’t listen to the shouts of anyone ahead,

Who thinks they know the way.

As pioneers of the Aquarian Age it is essential

That we follow our inner guidance, for no-one may

Be required to walk where we are meant to go

Or live the visions we are here to seek.

Although in this we are alone.

With the blessings of God and the Angels

And the help of those who walk the path of this life with us,

Even if our hands, hearts and souls touch each other but occasionally,

Together we can experience a lifetime of glorious sunrises and sunsets.

The gift of our friendship will never be taken from us,

Wherever our road may take us

Even into the world of light and Eternity.

Love alone can give our friendships the wings to rise above

Our own selfish needs and lift us beyond the mundane

And the toils and troubles of the earthly plane.

Andy Murray

Edited by Aquarius

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