Friday, May 31, 2013

The Homecoming

If you were standing in a sand storm
And the wind was blowing tiny pebbles in all direction
You would suddenly realise why it once was so difficult

To open your inner eyes.
A flash of inspiration would tell you that in order to see
One needs to move away from the debris,
Otherwise one becomes blinded and excluded
From the very process of trying to see deeper and further

Into the true purpose and meaning of our existence.
If you have been hiding for too long in dark and deep places
That were without light, you would expect
That when you opened your eyes,
The pain and the shock from natural light would sting

And burn away the darkness.
You would need to give yourself time to adjust and learn to see.
If you had been blind all your life and were miraculously given
The gift of sight, your brain would have to work very hard
To find a way of interpreting information and
Using your vision as a tool.

It would be because you had become conditioned
To synthesising what came before you without the
Use of your own inner vision.
Do you think your third eye is the exception?
If you have lived thus far fearing truth,
Running from healing, dwelling amongst chaos and confusion,

You are likely to have used division and delusion
As a means of trying to control your world
If you have been told the answer lies in powers
Outside of yourself, instead of the living God within you,
If you have been taught that your worth and value
Is dependant upon your gain and that freedom can be found

With the help of bank accounts rather than a loving and fearless heart,
If you have bought the poison that your body is a tool
Rather than a temple of the living God that holds your
Most precious gift, your spirit and soul,
You may as yet be unable to recognise that there are
Alternatives to your pain that grow, thrive and are steadfast
In the renewing of your heart and mind through the gift of love.
In our war torn world of mass consumption

It is essential to hold onto the concept of the all-redeeming
And all-healing power of God’s love and light.
There is no need to crawl before you can run to them,
But, dear friends, we surely have to fight
To come home into the knowledge that we are young Gods in the making
And that each one of us potentially is
The redeeming and healing light and the love of our world.

Let us face up to our deepest desires and greatest yearnings,
Embrace the aching and longing of our souls
Its pain shall propel us forward into the awakening of our true nature.
Empower yourself and your spirit by taking charge of your Divinity
And know that you can fly and that you are the only one who can
Release you from the experiences of the earthly plane.

Renew your mind through new concepts of spiritual wisdom and truth.
Know condemnation is a wicked lie that seeks to destroy
The true nature of the accused and the accuser –
Which is love.

How long have you sought to add your song to the symphony of humankind?
Let it rise up and beat the drum
That for so long has shaken the core of that which used to feed
On your pain, grief, anger and defeat.
Help the living God within to rise and help you destroy it!


Edited by Aquarius

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