Friday, May 31, 2013

How Do We Keep Our Mind Centred And Not Get Entangled With Emotions ... By Sanjib Mukherjee,

Keeping the mind centred and serene, is one of the primary goals of any spiritual discipline, and can be attained with a little understanding of the mechanics of the mind.
Imagine knowledge as being a vast and limitless ocean with our emotions represented by the tidal waves. No matter how high each wave will rise, ultimately, it will always fall and merge back into the ocean.
The same principles apply to our emotions, as they come and go at will, but eventually flow back into the depths of knowledge.
Problems arise when we lose awareness of our infinite nature, and start identifying ourselves with our fleeting emotions. “I am happy, I am sad, I am content” etc, are all examples of how easily we define ourselves with the most prevalent emotion at any given time.
It’s this very identity that becomes the root cause of so many miseries, and why we eventually lose complete track of our centredness.
No emotion can ever exist forever; you can never be happy all the time, nor can you be depressed all the time. These feelings continuously rise and fall within us, and quite often we have no control over these emotions when they do present themselves. A common misconception amongst many spiritual seekers is the notion that an enlightened soul never gets angry or never gets upset. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Anger, frustration and sadness are all naturally occurring feelings that arise within us, and are a part of our psychological make-up. However, the difference between a saint and most common individuals is that the saint will always acknowledge these emotions and simply move beyond them.
They never identify themselves with these feelings, and continuously remind themselves of their connection to their infinite knowledge through regular inner contemplation (meditation) and study of the scriptures.
The process of not getting entangled with our emotions is not an easy one to achieve, but by simply being aware of this phenomenon. Too often, we get entangled with small-minded matters, and too often, we forget that everything in life will come and go. Only our infinite nature will stay forever. Realisation of this one simple statement is the key to spiritual growth and unbreakable inner peace.Begin to observe your emotions closely. Whenever you feel yourself moving away from your centredness, rather than saying “I am angry” say, “Anger has risen within, and in no time will fall back to where it came from.” This shift in mindset will automatically bring you back to your natural self.

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