Friday, May 31, 2013

The Light Of Your Soul

May the inner light of your soul guide you
And bless everything you do
With the love and warmth that is in your heart,
So that he beauty of your spirit and soul reflect
Themselves in all your endeavours.

May the sacredness of your work bring healing, light and renewal
To you and all those you get in touch with
And who receive and benefit from your efforts.

May what you are doing never weary you,
But release within you the refreshing wellsprings of
Inspiration and wonder at the magic and miracle of this life.

May you always be present in all you do
And may you never again get lost in the illusion of the material world.

May each new day never burden you and

May every dawn find you awake and alert,
Approaching the gift of a new day with dreams and promises
Of endless and unlimited potential and possibilities.

May every evening find you gracious and fulfilled and

May you go into each night blessed, sheltered and protected
Knowing that your soul forever rests serenely,
Consoled and renewed in the loving arms of your Highest Self,

the living God within and Its Angels.

Created by Anon.

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