Friday, May 31, 2013

I Believe In Miracles

I believe in thoughts to share and feelings to discuss.
I believe in miracles, I believe in us.
I believe in sunny days, the cleansing touch of rain.
I believe in special moments that form an endless chain.
I believe in quiet nights, in brilliant starlit skies.
I believe in tender sights that stir all loving hearts.
I believe in positives, in truths that form a plus.
I believe in loving and sharing.
I believe in us.
I believe in God, our world and in the good outcome of all things.I believe in the goodness in every human soul.
I believe that we and all life have always rested safely in
Our Great Father/Mother’s loving hands.
I believe that all is well and comes right in the end –
For each and every one of us and our world.
I believe in the healing power of the love that is created
The more the human and Divine aspects of life mix and mingle.
I believe this brings about the greatest miracle of all,
Which is now taking place in us and
Everything that shares this world with us.
I believe, nay, I know,
I feel and I trust,With all my heart and soul,
That this is precisely what’s happening,
Right here and now.Bruce B. Wilmer

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