Friday, May 31, 2013

Jiddu Krishnamurti on effort, acceptance and contentmen

t"For most of us, our whole life is based on effort...Why do we make effort? Is it not, put simply, in order to achieve a result, to become something, to reach a goal? Is not all such effort the activity of the self? Is not effort self-centered activity? If we make an effort from the centre of the self, it must inevitably produce more conflict, more confusion, more misery. Yet we keep on making effort after effort. Very few of us realise that the self-centered activity of effort does not clear up any of our problems. On the contrary, it increases our confusion and our misery and our sorrow....Does happiness come through effort? Have you ever tried to be happy?...You struggle to be happy and there is no happiness is there? Joy does not come through suppression, through control or indulgence...Therefore happiness does not come through effort, nor joy through control and suppression; and still all our life is a series of suppressions, a series of controls, a series of regretful indulgences....Does not effort mean a struggle to change what is into what is not, or into what it should be or should become? That is, we are constantly struggling to avoid facing what is. A man who is truly content is the man who understands what is...That is true contentment; it is not concerned with having few or many possessions but with the whole significance to what is; and that can only come when you recognize what is, when you are aware of it, not when you are trying to modify it or change it.So we see that effort is a strife or a struggle to transform that which is into something which you wish it to be....Effort is a distraction from what is. The moment i accept what is there is no struggle..."

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