Friday, May 31, 2013


What Is Hope?

When things go wrong, as they sometime will,

The optimist thinks: ‘They’ll come right again!’,

While the pessimist grumbles: ‘It’ll only get worse!’

And as our thoughts and beliefs create our earthly reality,

Both forecasts duly come true.

Each one nodes sagely: ‘I told you so!’

That’s why when times are hard, positive thinkers

Think: ‘They will get better and become easier again.’

Though it may take time, they invariably do.

What then is hope?

It is not the closing of one’s eyes to

Difficulties, risks and possible failures,

But an inner trusting that:

If we fail now, we shall not do so forever.

If we get hurt, we shall be healed.

 If we make mistakes, we shall learn from them

And we shall be allowed to move on to higher learning.

Hope is the awareness of our innermost soul that

Life is good and the power of love is the most powerful

Force in the whole of Creation that

Straightens all crooked corners and, if we but ask,

Helps us heal everything,

Especially our most difficult situations and relationships.

Hope is an inner knowing that in God’s time, not ours,

All things on the Earth plane will come right in the end.

This life is like a great stage on which one of these days,

We shall step in front of the curtain

Behind we all are acting now.

In the world of light we shall then stand

Like performers before a friendly audience

Of Angels and Masters, friends and helpers.

Every participant of the comedy of errors that is this life,

Eventually feels the need to nail the urges of their small self to the

Cross of consciousness of the Earth.  

At the end of their present lifetime,

All who were wise enough to

Willingly submit themselves to Saturn’s demands

And have shown the restraint of self-discipline

And self-mastery in all their relationships,

Thus leaving behind good and healed ones only,

Shall be presented by life itself with a leaving certificate

That sets them free from further lessons on the Earth.

From them no further returns to the earthly plane will be required

And like in earthly schools, their teachers, in this case the Angels,

Will move us on to increasingly elevated

Levels of existence and studies.

This is how all human souls in the fullness of time

Take their final bows

On this side of the veil of consciousness.

United in friendship and love,

Smilingly reaching out for each other and, holding hands,

We enjoy the roar of applause that greets us.

But, in truth we are much more eager to follow the Angels,

To see where they may now wish to lead us.

Having surrendered our small earthly self to our Highest Self,

In the shelter of God’s mighty wings, in all Eternity

We shall serenely venture forth,

Never to be frightened or feeling lonely again.

I will abide in Thy tabernacle forever;

I will make my refuge the shadow of Thy wings.’

Psalm 61:4: 

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