Friday, May 31, 2013

How we love...

How We Love!

Life has taught me this:

Everyday is new

And if anything is true,

All that matters when we’re through

Is how we love.

Faced with what we lack

Some things fall apart.

From the ashes new dreams start, but

All that matters to the heart is how we love

How we love, how we love –

From the smallest act of kindness

In a world of smart and hurt,

In spite of our mistakes chances come again.

If we lose or if we win,

All that matter in the end is how we love

How we love, how we love.

I will not forget your kindness when I needed it so much.

Sometimes we forget trying to be so strong

In this world of right and wrong.

All that matters when we’ve gone,

All that mattered all along,

All we have that does live on –

Is how we’ve loved.

Beth Nielsen Chapman

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