Friday, May 31, 2013


There are moments in every life of purest sensuality,

When we feel an urgent desire and nurture the hope

That the special wish of returning into our true reality

May soon come true and we shall once again be free

To dwell within its eternal awareness

That knows no divisions and boundaries.

Walking with Highest Self, standing tall and

Listening to Its guidance that comes from within,

And then expressing Its wishes in our lives.

Listening to a thought, grasping an idea,

Constantly being true to our real self

In all our thoughts, words and actions,

Taking pride only in doing the right things,

The earthly self leans to accept love

In whatever form it may present itself.

How can human souls live in despair,

When the Spirit that moves behind all life

Does nothing but to affirm and encourage it?

So, let us pray in more thoughtful ways and,

True to our greater and higher nature,

Once again consciously walk

Hand in hand with God and the Angels,

On the Highest levels of life.

With them is the only place where human souls can find

The long yearned for peace and freedom,

Whilst they are still dwelling on the material plane.

~ Brian Forsythe

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