Friday, May 31, 2013


The house speaks to me,

As I bask in stillness and quiet thought.

In the whispering of memory

And the ticking of a clock,

I sense eternity in their stillness;

Capturing my attention

Within its restful calm.

Be still, my aching heart;

Gather time to be at one with your Highest Self,

With the Great and loving Spirit

And through it with all life.

Who would I be to resist change?

The ticking of the clock

Marks the moments that are passing.

Is it safe to allow my heart to speak?

If so, to whom shall I express my love?

From within comes the answer:

It is safe; do it carefully and caringly towards all life!

Be still, and listen to your inner voice;

Be kind, and allow yourself to love;

For only then are you true to your real Self.

Stand tall in what you know to be true.

Walk upright, hand in hand with God and the Angels,

Knowing that you are always safe.

Be still, my heart, for all passes in time,

And all rests safely in God’s loving hands.

Brian Forsythe

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